Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Desire to be loved is Evil and the Ability to Love is Divine

I used to think this perception is found only in the western society, that only the westerners are of this opinion that they are already connected and they do not need a Spiritual Guide who may connect them to God. However, having met with many people from many religions including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and even our own people, I realised everybody is under this false perception that they are connected with God.

Two weeks ago one of the ASI (Anjuman Sarfaroshan-e-Islam) associates was brought to our office in London and he was talking to me and he was asking me whether I have Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi in my heart, and I told him that I do have the Lord in my heart and I can help you bring the Lord in your heart also. He said to me, no I already have the Lord in my heart. Then we found such people in New York and in Los Angeles, and in many other places, Singapore, Australia, even the Christians and Jews; we were distributing images of Lord Jesus Christ and I was speaking to this man about Jesus and I offered to help him bring Jesus in his heart and he said he already had Jesus in his heart. 

Almost everybody who practices a religion or practices a set of beliefs, or faith, they perceive and they assume that they are already connected [to God] by ritual practice and by study of the religion, or the spiritual knowledge. But that is not true. Connecting with God is not easy. You do not know the whereabouts of God. Sometimes human beings say stuff that appears to be completely ridiculous and they ridicule their intellect and themselves. We know for sure that there have been Saints of God, not the elite ones, saints like Baba Guru Nanak, Ba Yazeed Bastami and so many other saints and they did not know the whereabouts of God. Only those were able to see God who had the ability to enlighten a very important soul which lies in their head and the knowledge of that soul was granted to Prophet Mohammad. Before the arrival of Prophet Mohammad nobody was able to see God. Nobody would ever imagine if it was at all possible to see God rather than claiming that he has seen God. Moses was the first one who spoke with God and people really had a difficult time believing the fact that Moses, a man himself, was able to speak with God. Most people at the time of Moses would take a mickey out of this, they would say, ‘Oh you speak with God? What did God say? How is he?’

It is not easy and it is not difficult at the same time to connect with God. The thing is you need to have so many things together before you are able to be connected with God. First you must be a chosen one for this connection. If you are not one of those who were chosen by God to be connected then no matter what you can do you will never be connected with God. There are so many things that you have to do together and only after those things one is able to be connected with God. Human beings are opportunists and very quick in jumping to conclusions, and to seek God and obtain Gods love is something which has always been very rare in this world. There are more temptations in this world for non-Godly things; luxury and comfort. It's very unfortunate that in this day and age people are using God's name for their personal indulgence and they are using religions as instruments. They are selling God's name and selling religions, everything is commercialised. Whether it is in America or in Pakistan, whether its Hinduism or Christianity or politics, everything is commercialised and everything has a price tag. Sincerity has lost its presence in this world. This message from His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, the message of God's love, pure spirituality, enlightenment of the heart, purgation of the self, illumination of the soul, does not fit in the agenda of many millions of people today. Especially those who are very religious and spiritual because the practice of spirituality and religion for many people is not a means to obtain God's love, it is to give others the impression that they are very godly. And having established this impression that we are very godly and divine they want to make a business out of this. Whereas, becoming godly and becoming divine requires from an individual to almost sacrifice everything including his personal comforts, luxury, time, privacy, kids, parents, everything. You have to put everything on the stake and even then there is not a 100% chance that you will definitely be able to obtained God's love. So, nobody is connected and those who are connected to God they want to sit with all spiritual people, who are connected.

What is the Divine Plan?

You have to go back to the Day of Anointment, the day of promises, the day when God created the souls, on the day of the creation of the Souls. God did have his complete will in whatsoever he shaped the creation. Human beings have no authority over anything, they have no choice. You can safely call God 'Absolute Power' because he did what he wanted to do. This power in God gave him authority and plenty of room to manoeuvre with an abundance of choices that he made without being answerable or accountable to anyone, and he did do what he had in mind, what he had conceived in his mind, he did that. The Divine Plan as it appeared by the way he created souls and by the way he exhibited negative and evil forces and forces of love. And then a majority of souls were designed to be bad, diabolical and then in proportion to the number of diabolical souls a lesser number of souls were designed to do good. The ratio between bad souls and good souls is not the same; there have always been bad souls in majority, in all times, in all ages and in all eras. Good people who are good by souls have always been in small quantities and this is how he designed it. If today we see the world is really bad, it's not because we have made it bad it’s bad because God made it bad! If you are blind by birth it's not your fault, this is how God wanted it to be. 

I always say to people it is very strange and astonishing to me that you do not go to a school or university to learn how to hate people, however in order to love in order to be able to love somebody you need to have an institution, you need to make an abundance of sacrifices. Although, you will hear in this world people leisurely use the word love. The feelings of infatuation or cupboard-love are often mistaken and they label it with 'sincere form of love'. For example, love of parents for their kids. Do you think a mother's love is sincere love? I do not think so. There is always a reason for all types of love. Mothers think their love for their kids is sincere and kids think their love for their parents is sincere, which is very rare but this is not love. 
I tell you something very strange, it is evil to have the desire of being loved, but it is divine to be able to love, because this desire that somebody loves you is very common. Everybody, Muslim, Jew, Christian or Hindu, everybody wants to be loved. If you are being loved it will really make your character stained with bad evil traits. If somebody loves you, you will think you are somebody and the feelings of superiority will develop and you can see there is no human being on earth that doesn’t want to be loved, even the animals. When you have a baby you give that baby a little bit of love, but when you have the second baby your attention is diverted and you begin to give a little more love to the other baby. The baby which is 2 years of age will feel the fire of jealousy; they don’t want to share. Who created this is feeling? God. So to be loved is an evil game but to love is divine. Now it's vice versa of course, when you are a novice, when you want to be a Momin (Enlightened Believer), you are not allowed to be loved. You are taught to love and in order to be able to love you are required to make a lot of sacrifices and purgate yourself and demolish the statue of ego inside your body because this feeling of, this desire of being loved is for God only and those who have God in them. When you have God in you then people will love you for God. When you have nobody in you and people still love you that love will bring the devil in you. 

To receive love there is a criterion, a prerequisite also. If you want to receive love you must have God in you otherwise do not receive love/give love. Only those should be loved who have God in them. If you do not have God in you then you should not be loved. This is the core of truth. This is why the concept of love is present in all civilisations, religious or non-religious, secular or spiritual, all sorts of people acknowledge the presence of love. Then there are different types of love; love for women, love for luxury, love for money, love for power. To be loved is a form of ultimate luxury because when somebody loves you they sacrifice everything for you and you are receiving those benefits without deserving it. Now, because you do not deserve it and you do not have the ability and capability of adorning that love around your heart that is why it is a sin. 

In the schools of Spirituality the first lesson which is given to you is that make sure nobody loves you because that love will keep you away from God. 

For example, if you massage somebody’s feet it’s very comforting and it’s very soothing for them, but in ten minutes you will become short of breath. It's not luxury for you. Similarly to love is not a luxury; to love is a labour, to love is hard work and to be loved is a luxury. This is why one-sided love is punishment and mutual love is enjoyable. The path of love is paved with pain and sacrifices. 

One night Ibrahim bin-Addam saw an angel and he was holding a notebook, he asked him, 'What are you writing in this book?' The angel said, 'I am writing the names of people who love God,' He asked, 'is my name written?' And the angel said, 'No, I'm sorry I don’t see your name.' Then the following night he came again and he was holding a notebook and he was writing some names but this time Ibrahim bin-Addam was showing to be a little modest and out of fear he was quiet and he didn’t ask the angel as to what he was doing, but the angel asked him, 'Are you not going to ask me what am I doing tonight?' He said, 'No, I'm okay,' the angel said 'Let me tell you. I am writing the names of those whom God loves and your name is on top of the list.'

To be loved or to have the desire that somebody love you is in everybody and this desire comes from the Nafs (Self/Ego). Therefore everybody wants to be loved. They always say, where there is love there is jealousy. That is true but that love which comes from the Nafs, the evil Nafs will have jealousy not Divine Love. 

So there is no comfort in love unless you are loved you can be loved but it not allowed. Some people think sweet talk is love. No, this is not love. Love is a bond and you see the connection between us and the food is hunger. We are tempted to eat; when you are hungry and the food is in front of your eyes the food will pull you towards itself. That is the bond between the food and our hunger. In a similar way, there is a very invisible spiritual string, a spiritual rope, which is between the two hearts, the human heart and the Divine Heart. There is a passage of spiritual gravity and that spiritual gravity that comes from God will keep pulling you towards God. For example, when somebody is kidnapped, what happens? You pull somebody without their consent and because you are so powerful you take that person away unwillingly. That person is not willing to go with you but because you are more powerful you pull that person away. Similarly, when the bond of love is developed and you are connected with God, there is a sense of pulling from God, towards God and that spiritual string will keep you intact with God. That bond is love and God will not love you unless you have God’s presence in you. Only God can love himself. Nobody else can love himself. 

Therefore, it is free and it is evil to have the feeling of being loved. People do not have the desire to love but everybody has the desire to be loved. To love is divine and you can only truly love once you have the Divine Presence in you.

Monday 15 April 2013

Ask Younus AlGohar

Have you got any questions relating to Spirituality, religion or Godliness? Ask Younus AlGohar using the hash tag #askYounusAlGohar on Twitter and have your questions answered via a video response on YouTube!

Friday 5 April 2013

HH Younus AlGohar Interviewed by Sri Lankan Television Channel TNL

Shanika Weligamage (Presenter): Today we have in Sri Lanka the Universal Representative of Kalki Avatar Foundation, His Holiness Younus AlGohar to discuss about Kalki Avatar Foundation.

Q: Can you tell us, what is Kalki Avatar Foundation?
A: Kalki Avatar Foundation is a spiritual organisation and it is a multi-faith spiritual organisation. We do not represent any particular religion or faith. We talk about spirituality and our message is to all humanity.

Q: That means it links up with spirituality?
A: Spirituality, purely.

Q: If so, can it bring a change in the society and how?
A: I believe it can bring a change in the society and this change will come when, through spirituality, hearts are enlightened, the hearts are filled with love and the elements of hatred and negativity are diminished with the help of spiritual power and enlightenment. It can bring a very positive change in the society.

Q: We get information on enlightenment in Buddhism and other religions in other forms. So Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi also mentions enlightenment. What do you mean by this?
A: Enlightenment and spirituality has been part of every religion and basically all religions were empowered with enlightenment and spirituality. However, with the passage of time, spiritual knowledge became diminished in the religions. And in today’s world, religions are without spirituality and enlightenment. We are just talking about enlightenment.

Q: Can a common person become spiritual and obtain enlightenment?
A: Of course all human beings, if they want to can become enlightened and spiritualised.

Q: What is the heart of meditation?
A: Meditation is about putting God’s name inside the beating system of the heart. And when God’s name is synchronised inside the beating system of the heart, then involuntarily the heart begins to say the name of God. 

Q: How do you do it normally?
A: With spiritual power, God’s name is inserted in the beating system of the heart and the heart begins to say -

Q: Is it through meditation?
A: Well, once the heart is initiated, then the secondary sort of thing is meditation. Meditation can only be established once God’s name is synchronised in the beating system of the heart.

Q: Does meditation help in all religions?
A: Well, it should help all religions.

Q: How do you mean that the spirituality helps a person in his daily life? How?
A: We have two positive and negative things in our body: negativity which of course is the cause of all roots. And we have hatred and other negative elements in life; this is because we are not taking care of our positive side in the human beings. That can only be taken care of with the help of spirituality and enlightenment.

Q: Is there a connection to the teachings of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi with religion? If so, what is your religion?
A: Like I said, we do not in particular represent any religion. We preach spirituality and spirituality is the core of all religions.

Q: Then who is Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi?
A: Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, we believe, is the true representation and presence of God.

Q: How can we say that Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Awaited One Personality?
A: Because there are so many signs which we have seen and on top of that the teachings and spiritual authority, spiritual power and the fact that HH Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is addressing all humanity without prejudice and benefitting all human beings without the creed, colour, cast or their religious background. We understand this can only be done by the Awaited One.

Q: So is the Kalki Avatar the last Avatar after obtaining enlightenment?
A: Yeah, Kalki Avatar is the last Avatar.

Q: So how can a common person recognise or understand the true Kalki Avatar?
A: A common man is busy with his life and doesn’t have much time to contribute towards recognising such a mighty personality. The only thing that we understand will help a common person is to give them some kind of spiritual benefit that can always show in his day to day life. People are suffering with incurable diseases and people are not happy with their life. Hatred has taken place in the heart.
When a common person feels that the teachings of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is bringing a positive change and they’re getting cured of the incurable diseases that they have been suffering from (even with a large amount of money they were not able to cure those diseases, and they’re healed by Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi), I hope they will understand that this is not only proving the fact that His Holiness Gohar Shahi is the last Avatar, but also it’s working for them. And they will understand and recognise the time and the presence of His Holiness Gohar Shahi on earth.

Q: Is He is a spiritual Avatar?
A: Both physical and spiritual.

Q: So how can you say Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Kalki Avatar?
A: Because like I said, we have seen so many signs that were foretold.

Q: What kind of special signs?
A: For example, He would be seen riding a white horse; and that is not just physical, it is in the spiritual realm also.
He will diminish hatred from the society; and His teachings are already doing it. In this day and age people have become very intolerant towards each other; one does not want to know anybody else’s religion or their belief system. But the teachings of Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi are bringing all humanity into one platform. People are beginning to forget hatred and they’re learning to respect and give space to each other. They’re becoming tolerant.

Q: What mantra do you grant to the Hindus to produce Shakti?
A: Ra Raam.

Q: Do you grant mantras to other people, other than Hindus?
A: Yes.

Q: People are worshipping in temples, churches, mosques, etc. So why is suffering still there?
A: I believe the reason why people are suffering today is because they have distanced themselves from the core teachings of their religions. We believe no religion is bad; all religions are good. But today people are suffering because Christians are not good Christians anymore, Muslims are not good Muslims anymore, Hindus are not good Hindus anymore.
So if they become good in their religion (they learn to respect their own religion and they adopt spirituality), then all religions will become good and we will live in a better society.

Q: People are using the religions for their own benefit and for their own advantage. What do you say about this?
A: That is true. They’re doing it because they’re not enlightened. They’re selling the name of God, they’re selling religions - they’re selling everything. And it’s not just in the religions; you can see it in all fields of life: politicians are doing the same, spiritual people are doing the same, religious people are doing the same, and this is the case in every country.

Q: How can a common person approach Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi?
A: The image of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has become prominent on the Moon and people can look at the image of Lord Ra Riaz on the Moon. They can obtain spiritual healing and Initiation of the Heart, and they can benefit from it.

Q: What is the role of Kalki Avatar Foundation in Sri Lanka?
A: The role of Kalki Avatar Foundation in Sri Lanka is to help people with the diseases they’re suffering from, to help them understand the meaning of life and how to obtain love, and build up a better society in Sri Lanka where all religions can live with love, peace and tolerance.

Q: It is said that the image of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi on the Moon has become a prominent image. How does it help people get rid of their problems and incurable diseases? How do you heal the people?
A: The image of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi on the Moon, we believe is not just an image, but it is one of His spirits. People need to repeat the name of God three times – whatever religion do they practice and whatever name of God they use to call upon God – and they obtain spiritual healing from the image of Lord Ra Riaz on the Moon.

Q: Can the people suffering from incurable diseases be benefitted by your spiritual services?
A: They already are. There are thousands of cases in Sri Lanka where people got healed and they’re reaping the benefits of Kalki Avatar Foundation’s presence in Sri Lanka. 2- All of our services are free, we’re not selling God’s name.

Q: You never charge any money for these services?
A: No, nothing.

Q: So can Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, etc. follow Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi? Any community can follow Him equally?
A: Of course, equally.

Q: So how are Sri Lankans responding to the peace and prosperity of the country by adopting spirituality?
A: People are responding really well. They understand that we are here for love, peace, and physical and spiritual prosperity of this country. There are thousands of people who are now becoming a part of Kalki Avatar Foundation in Sri Lanka.

Q: Do you want to give a message to Sri Lankans?
A: My message to my brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka is to live in love and peace and adopt spirituality. Show tolerance to all religions we have in this country. Let live and live well.

Q: How can love and peace prevail in the world?
A: Only by diminishing the negative elements. We have negativity in our body; some call it evil presence and some others call it negativity. We have to enlighten our body and souls. Only with the help of divine light, when it is produced in the heart and starts to mingle in our bloodstream, will we get rid of negativity.

Q: Let’s talk about meditation. What types of methods will you adopt for this service? Can you show us?
A: We believe and understand meditation has to do with the soul and the heart. So before we actually invite people to meditate, we want their souls and the spirit to adopt the light of God’s name. And we have this special spiritual method, with the help of which we insert God’s name in the beating system of the heart. When people begin to hear and feel the vibration of God’s name inside their heart, only then we ask them to establish meditation. And only then does that really practically and spiritual help them.

Q: Do you believe meditation comes from genes or family? If a newcomer was to do meditation, how can he start it? What exercises would he have to do? Would he have to relax his mind?
A: There are so many meditations we see in the world. Some people attribute meditation to yoga practices, however, we understand that meditation is a purely spiritual thing and it has got nothing to do with genes or it doesn’t come from the family. Anybody can reap the benefits of establishing meditation. Meditation is a very spiritual thing; it’s about concentrating on your soul and at the same time focusing on God’s name on your souls. That will then establish meditation.
What actually happens in meditation? When we meditate upon a certain soul, that soul (if it is already spiritualised and enlightened) leaves the body during the meditation. It makes spiritual journey to whichever realm it is connected to. This is how a meditation is established.

Q: How long does it take to come back?
A: Well that depends. If you don’t want to break the meditation, the meditation can go as high as 2 hours, 3 hours, 10 hours, 24 hours.

Q: Are there any stages of meditation that you can achieve?
A: There are many stages of meditation. Some spiritual individuals have established a meditation which lasted for 17-18 days.

Q: So can you explain the stages of meditation?
A: We have seven souls in our body and we can meditate on each soul. So there can be at least five different stages of meditation.

Q: We see today that humanity is divided into groups on the basis of their religions. Why is it so?
A: Because with the passage of time people have modified their religious books and altered the original divine text. And this has caused them to misinterpret the primary message of their religion. And this is causing a lot of rift in humanity and people are now away from the primary purpose of the religion.

Q: How can you say the image on the Moon is that of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi?
A: Because we have the photographs of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and we can recognise it. We invite others to do the same.   

Q: That means that anybody can see it?
A: Yes, anybody can see it.

Q: Are the blessings of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi confined to Hindus only?
A: No, for all humanity equally.

Q: What is the religion of the followers of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi?
A: Divine love.

Q: Do you find any difficulties in promoting this message all over the countries?
A: No.

Q: So, how do you see the future of the world?
A: The future of the world is really horrible.

Q: So many people talk about the end times. What do you say about this?
A: The end times, I believe, are near and this is why we are promoting spirituality and divine love. When the Kalki Avatar is finally here, this is the announcement that the end times are near.

Q: Why is the world becoming worse day by day? Do you think there is a link between the world’s problems and the religions?
A: This problem is getting worse because people are only thinking about their bodies and the luxuries and comforts of their bodies. They have forgotten to take care of their souls. This is why peace of heart and mind is missing from their lives, and greed, injustice and corruption has taken place. Because they have distanced themselves from the core message of their religion. Divine love has diminished and hatred has taken place; and when the hatred and evil power is inside the heart, it only promotes corruption, injustice, greed and all that.

Q: Do you believe in heaven and hell? People say when you do good things, after that you will go to heaven. And when you do bad things in your lifetime, after that you will go to hell. What do you say about this?
A: We believe in heaven and hell.

Q: In the Japanese meditation system, they have alpha, beta, theta, which are stages in achieving meditation. They use electronic methods. Do you think there is any link with religion?
A: There are two types of belief systems in the world today. 1- Those which were established by prophets and messengers, and God helped them, so they were from God. 2- And some other religions were manmade. So, man also has created some meditation principles, but we understand you cannot reach God with a set of principles that were not introduced and created by God.

Q: Some priests in the Himalayas get into ice-cold water, but it seems to them that the water is steaming hot. They say it is because of the power of meditation. What do you say about this?
A: Well, it can be true because the human body is very intelligent and it can adapt to different situations and conditions. As I earlier said, according to our belief system, meditation is a very spiritual thing. However, some people also attribute yoga to meditation; this can be a yoga practice.

Q: A lot of people follow this type of meditation in America, Europe, etc. to help solve their problems. Do you think it has a positive effect on people?
A: Indian gurus go to America a lot, like Deepak Chopra. And they are promoting meditation there. However, I understand that by just focusing your mind on certain things, it can give you a little bit of peace of mind but it will not solve the problems. We need to solve the problems for the permanent solution of peace of mind. 

Q: Are the followers of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi vegetarians or non-vegetarians?
A: Because the followers of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi are not from one religion, they’re from different religions, they find the teachings of Lord Ra Riaz very helpful and they’re learning spirituality. So those who come from a vegetarian background strictly follow their regime. However, some other followers who come from Catholicism, Christianity, Muslim background, they follow their religious principles.

Q: Do you think vegetarians get the power of meditation easier than others?
A: I think becoming a vegetarian is very good for health and it does really help an individual to progress in meditation.

Q: Today the world is suffering from terrorism. So what is your solution?
A: Terrorism is because of intolerance and also the understanding that ‘I am right, the other one is wrong’. When you think you are right and all others are wrong and you are so fanatic about it that you do not want to accept their presence, this is fanaticism and extremism. We shouldn’t have such things in our society.
But the only solution to this wave of terrorism is to give them knowledge and true interpretation of their book. And that true interpretation should come from enlightened people who are connected with God, not those who have become gurus and Sufis by reading books. Because these books have been written by individuals who may be affected by some other opinions. Then again, it is the matter of interpretation. We need a spiritual personality to interpret the divine books today.
 I do not think any religion on earth can allow one individual to kill another one in the name of God or in the name of any religion. It’s just that people do not have the right interpretation and the correct understanding of the religion.

Q: Can we change people involved in terrorism psychologically through meditation?
A: You see, these people who are now becoming part of terrorism, they have their incentives and different agendas. We need to educate individuals and we need to educate them correctly. And this is the only solution that I understand will help them get rid of their intolerant belief system.

Q: So the Kalki Avatar Foundation helps put such people on the correct manner? How?
A: Of course. The teachings of spirituality are based on love. Love for all. Love of human beings, love of God. One who loves God cannot hate and kill a human being.

Q: How do you approach correcting such a person?
A: We spiritualise them. We give them this Initiation of the Heart. When God’s light enters his heart, that light of God will wipe out the elements of hatred and negativity from him. And once the heart has become enlightened and the mind has become enlightened, then people will not be inclined towards fanaticism, extremism and terrorism.

Q: Incurable diseases like cancer - do you think it can be cured?
A: It has cured many.

Q: How do you approach it?
A: We just use the divine light that Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has invested in certain individuals. They meditate and blow upon them, and this is how they are healed.

Q: Suppose that I am a cancer patient. How can I approach and get the divine light?
A: Well obviously if you were a patient and you knew about me, you would contact me. And then I would do the spiritual healing on you.

Q: Do you charge a fee for your services?
A: No. All services are free of charge.

Q: What if alcoholics wanted to join in order to get rid of their addiction?
A: Yeah, everybody can join.

Q: So is there any requirement to be a follower of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi?
A: No.

Q: Even a child can join?
A: Of course.

Q: So, how do you see the people of Sri Lanka responding towards this spirituality?
A: They’re being very earnest and they are responding really well. They are adopting the message of spirituality, message of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, and they are benefitting from it.

Q: Is Sri Lanka safe from natural disasters like tsunamis?
A: I can’t say that. A natural disaster is a natural disaster. A natural disaster will not ask any spiritualist before it comes.

Q: There are so many problems in the world. People think, ‘Is there any God? Where is he? Why did he create so many problems in the world?’ What is your answer?
A: My answer is very clear: I do not know why people attribute these problems to God. People have made these problems themselves and if they are holding God responsible for these problems, it would be really silly.
Number 2, we do talk about God only when we’re in trouble and we don’t seem to come out of these problems. But we do not feel the need to be connected to God and we don’t want to love God, we just want to ask God to help our problems. It doesn’t work like this. God will take care of people who are really connected to God, they love God and God will love them. People need to make sacrifices to become enlightened ones and spiritual ones. Historically speaking, all these individuals, in all religions, before they became enlightened and mighty personality, sacrificed a lot. They went into jungles, they enlightened themselves, they purified themselves, they made a lot of sacrifices. And once they became friends of God, they helped the entire world. We need enlightenment and we need spirituality.
I don’t think God has created these problems. It’s the human beings that created these problems. God never asked anybody to do anything wrong. If we do wrong and we hold God responsible for it, it would be really injustice.

Q: After death, what happens to a person?
A: After death, our body is either cremated or buried in the grave, and the soul departs to the heavens.

Q: Is there a decrease in the [human] population because people are dying a lot?
A: Yeah, people are dying in great numbers, but at the same time people are born in large numbers. 

Shanika Weligamage: We thank His Holiness Younus AlGohar for delivering the message of love and peace. 
HH Younus AlGohar: Thank you very much.