Friday 30 November 2018

Haroof-e-Muqatiat: ‘Alif Laam Ra’ Ka Raaz

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On the holy day of Jashan-e-Riaz (25 November), which celebrates the arrival of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi in this world, Younus AlGohar delivered a ground-breaking speech and revealed the ultimate divine secret: Alif Laam Ra in light of the Koran.

Main points:

- There are the Disjointed Letters (Haruf-e-Mukatiyat) in the Koran. Each letter represents an entire set of knowledge or a personality. Two sets of Disjointed Letters are mentioned in this speech: ALM and ALR.

- The divine secrets, meaning and the accompanying spiritual benevolence of ALM are all rendered from the heart of Prophet Mohammad.  According to the Koran 2:1-3, the Pure Ones (Mutakeen), who believe in the Unseen and who have established Salat receive the benevolence of ALM; they share their esoteric and exoteric provisions with humanity. The conditions mentioned in this verse of the Koran indicate that ALM has been capped with religious restrictions - it is to be granted those who have accepted Islam only. 

- His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi says, 'To recognise and access God, learn spirituality regardless of what religion or sect you belong to.' In Koran 14:1, God said to Prophet Mohammad, 'O' Messenger of God, we also revealed the knowledge of ALR so that you could take humanity out from the darkness of misguidance and towards divine energy. You have permission from your Lord to do.’ God did not place any religious restrictions upon ALR; God gave Prophet Mohammad permission to use ALR to bring humanity towards divine energy - regardless of their religion.

- Koran 93:4 states that Prophet Mohammad's second era would be greater than his first. After the Night of Ascension, Prophet Mohammad told his close Companions that in the end times, a personality from his lineage would come and free the world of darkness and tyranny. When he was asked to describe this personality, Imam Mehdi, Prophet Mohammad would describe himself. According to Prophetic Traditions, Imam Mehdi would be identical to Prophet Mohammad from head to toe; and Imam Mehdi would have Mohammad in him. Imam Mehdi has the presence of Prophet Mohammad in Him; He has Prophet Mohammad's Terrestrial Spirits, Prophet Mohammad's Akhfah (Hamid) and Prophet Mohammad's Ana (Mehmood).   The personality of Imam Mehdi, His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, is partially the second era of Prophet Mohammad.

- Some of the Koran was for Prophet Mohammad’s first era which was restricted by the religion and some of the Koran is for the second era in which there are no restrictions of the religion. The Dhikr of ALRA and secrets of ALRA, according to the Koran, were revealed upon the heart of the Prophet Mohammad.  ALRA is not a new innovation, it is an exclusive Custom of the Prophet Mohammad.  Whoever wants to meet the Lord, he can do so without entering any religion, without any restrictions - he can come forward as a member of humanity and enlighten his heart and soul with Alif Laam Ra, the custom of Prophet Mohammad’s second era.

- God's religion is God's love. Imam Mehdi, with all spiritual power and authority, is making this religion of God readily available. The knowledge of ALR is not new; it was granted by Prophet Mohammad to Bibi Fatima so that she could bless the Hindus, it was given to personalities like Ghous Pak so that they could bless people like Baba Guru Nanak. When somebody asked His Divine Eminence, 'I understand there are many divine protocols associated with receiving the Opening of the Spiritual Heart as a Muslim; what about the non-Muslims?' HDE Gohar Shahi replied, ‘For them, I am enough.’

- His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi mentioned in His Book, The Religion of God, that in the end times, a special soul would come and grant people a special name of God. That special name is ALR. When Prophet Mohammad ascended on the Night of Ascension and asked God to increase knowledge in him, God granted him the knowledge of ALR.


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Monday 26 November 2018

Arkan-e-Islam: Sayedna Gohar Shahi Ka Aqeeda

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Kalima Tayyab: 3:26 | Namaz: 15:16 | Roza: 23:05 | Hajj: 25:27 | Zakat: 26:45

Younus AlGohar answers questions from viewer Ehsan Qazi and a group of religious scholars about the tenets of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, particularly about Salat (Namaz) and the crucial role the heart plays in Islam. He also explains his tenets regarding Hajj, Zakat, fasting and the Day of Judgement.

Main points:

- Salat is a sublime type of worship granted to Prophet Mohammad's Nation by God. The worship of all the angels combined cannot equal the Salat of a True Believer. The foremost obligation in Islam is the Motto of Faith, which is the greatest invocation according to the Koran. Prophet Mohammad first settled the Motto of Faith in the hearts and people's Lower Selves were purified in Prophet Mohammad's company. It was only after the hearts were filled with divine energy and the Lower Selves were purified that Prophet Mohammad ascended on the Night of Ascension and brought back the gift of Salat. Then, when people would perform Salat, the divine energy of the Salat would enter their hearts. This is why Prophet Mohammad said that Salat is invalid without the presence of the heart.

- Islam requires 'declaration by the tongue and affirmation by the heart.' When you verbally say God's name, your heart should also invoke upon God. Guidance does not have to do with the tongues or the deeds of the body; guidance is to do with the heart. The Koran says that those who obtain Shahr-e-Sadr (Opening of the Chest) for Islam will obtain God's light.  The spiritual dignitaries have said that reviving the heart and flourishing the heart with God's name is the beginning of Sharah-e-Sadr. The Koran forbids following people whose hearts God has kept heedless of his remembrance. When you become a True Believer that is when the Salat becomes obligatory upon you. In order to become a True Believer, it is necessary for the heart to recite the Motto of Faith.

- Fasting in obligatory upon True Believers. The purpose of fasting is to purify the Lower Self. When you keep your stomach empty of food and your liver dry of water for extended periods of time, as a True Believer, the divine energy from your heart will enter your stomach and liver. This is how the Lower Self will begin to be purified, consuming a diet of divine energy as opposed to its usual diet of negative energy. The reason people fast and yet are involved in all sorts of vices is that they are not True Believers and are not reaping the spiritual benefits of fasting.

- True Hajj is when all seven of your subtleties have engaged in their respective forms of invocation simultaneously. Then when you circumambulate the Kaaba, with each round, a theophany from Bait ul Mamour will fall upon one of your subtleties; this is how all seven of your subtleties will come under the theophanies of Bait ul Mamour by the end of the Hajj. This is when your Hajj is accepted and your faith is perfected.

- A Muslim gives 2.5% of their earnings to Zakat whereas a saint of God gives 97.5% of their earnings to Zakat. A common Muslim has to provide for his family whereas a saint of God is one who has plunged into the ocean of divine energy of God’s name; he is one who is lost in God’s love. A saint of God breaks off all his relations and remembers nobody else but God; therefore, all his wealth goes into Zakat.

- God is the Owner of the Day of Judgement. Whatever your deeds, good or bad, it is up to God where you will end up. If anyone is granted salvation, they will be granted it with the permission of God only. If any prophet, messenger or saint grants salvation, they are doing it with God’s permission.


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Sunday 25 November 2018

Al Ast Bi Rabbikum Ki Batni Taweel

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In response to a viewer's question about God's style of speaking in the Koran, Younus AlGohar gives the true, esoteric explanation of a statement God made in Koran 7:172, which is commonly mistranslated as 'Am I not your Lord'?

Main points:

- Sometimes, God refers to himself in the third person and sometimes, God used to the plural pronoun, 'We' when addressing himself. This is due to God's temperament and further explanation cannot be given without asking God himself about it.

- There are two types of interpretations of the Koran: Tafseer and Taweel. Tafseer is the interpretation of the Koran based upon one's own intellectual understanding, research in dictionaries and Sharia - in short, it is based upon exoteric knowledge. On the other hand, a Taweel is based upon esoteric knowledge - it is divine inspiration sent by God onto a saint of God.

- The exoteric interpretation of 'Al Ast Bi Rabbikum' is 'Am I not your Lord'? But the esoteric interpretation - which is more appropriate - is, 'Am I not with your Provider?' There is a huge difference between the words 'Rab' and 'Mabood'. 'Mabood' means 'Creator' and 'Rab' means 'Provider'. The context of this statement in Koran 7:172 is that God had gathered the souls of the messengers, prophets and saints and stood next to them, saying to the souls, 'Am I not with your Provider?' Because on Earth, the prophets, messengers and saints would be the ones who would nurture the souls of common people. They would be the ones who dispensed guidance to people. God wanted to show the souls that the messengers, prophets and saints standing with him were acting on his behalf; they were not separate from him.

- The next sentence in the verse, 'We bear witness,' proves that the correct translation of 'Al Ast Bi Rabbikum' is actually 'Am I not with your Provider?' rather than 'Am I not your Lord?' Because the souls could not have possibly bore witness to their own creation, hence they could not have claimed to be able to verify God being their creator. Secondly, was there any doubt among the souls of God being their creator, due to which God would ask such a question? The answer is no. Therefore, what God was asking and what the souls bore witness to was not God's Creatorhood, but rather the fact that the prophets, messengers and saints were with God and they were to render spiritual provisions to the souls when they came to Earth.


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Saturday 24 November 2018

Sayedna Gohar Shahi Ka Ummat-e-Muslima Par Ehsan

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Younus AlGohar reveals the precious criterion granted to humanity by the grace of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, which enables them to determine who they should or should not follow in light of the Koran.

Main points:
- In the Koran 18:28, God says, 'Do not follow a person whose heart I have barred from my remembrance.' If your heart has been kept heedless of God's remembrance, even if you have read 10 000 books, you should not be followed according to this verse of the Koran. If you read this verse of the Koran carefully, the question that should arise in your mind is: 'How will I recognise whether the person before me has a heard that has been barred from God's remembrance or not?'

- Nobody - no religious scholar or Mufti - has the answer to this verse of the Koran. The one who gave the answer to this verse was His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. How important it is for you to determine who you can follow and who you cannot follow - this is a fundamental issue. Without the criterion, you won't be able to tell which scholar is a true scholar and who you should follow and who you shouldn't follow - and so without it, you were misguided.

- Forget about recognising whether or not somebody else's heart engages in God's remembrance; you don't even know if your own heart does. But His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi gave the criterion which is the key to the Koran and the gist of the Koran: If you want to know whether somebody's heart has been barred from the remembrance of God or is engaged in God's remembrance, first bring the remembrance of God in your own heart.

- If your heart remembers God and the heart of the person in front of you remembers God, the remembrance of God in your heart will collide with the remembrance of God in his heart. Then your heartbeats will rise and you will recognise that he too has God's name invoking in his heart. If your heart remembers God but the heart of the cleric in front of you doesn't, then you will feel uneasy in their company.


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Friday 9 November 2018

Waseelay Ki Haqeeqat Aur Saboot

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Younus AlGohar answers a viewer's question about whether or not it is allowed in Islam to seek help from Prophet Mohammad, Moula Ali, Imam Mehdi or any other spiritual dignitary.

Main points:

-  God did not say that you must ask God for help in every single matter. God has taken the responsibility of some things and some things are Prophet Mohammad's responsibility. God has said he will grant guidance. Life and death are in God's hands. Distribution of provisions is God's responsibility.However, the task of granting spiritual benevolence to the hearts of people is Prophet Mohammad's.

- Guidance will be granted by God but the knowledge of how faith will be inserted in your heart will be granted through Prophet Mohammad. If we are under any calamity or face any troubles, even for that we must ask help from the saints and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The Koran says, 'Ask those who possess the knowledge, if you do not know it.' Asking for knowledge is a form of seeking help.

- Some people say that all knowledge is found in the Koran. If that were the case then why would the Koran tell you to ask the Ahle Zikar to obtain the knowledge you do not have? Prophet Mohammad said, 'I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gateway.'

- We cannot ask God for anything directly, without an intermediary. Even if we did, we would not obtain anything. Therefore, we must ask of God through an intermediary (Bil Wasta). How can it be that God's method of rendering guidance is Bil Wasta and the method of helping would be Bila Wasta (without an intermediary)? If we had a direct connection to God, would God have thought it necessary to send the messengers?

- God said in the Koran, 'O' Lord, we want to worship you only and in order to become capable of worshipping you, we seek your help.' This is an indication towards the special worship - worship of the soul not the worship of the body. In other words, it means: We want to worship you with the compound of our body and soul. And then the Koran says, 'Show us the Straight Path that leads to you. The path of those whom you have rewarded with your blessings.' This is clear evidence that we require God's help - and God's help is in the form of the prophets, messengers, saints, Sualiheen, Fuqra and connecting our hearts with God.


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Wednesday 7 November 2018

Pakistani Adliya Ke Naam Younus AlGohar Ka Pegham | ALRA TV

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Justice for HH Gohar Shahi

An appeal to the Judiciary system of Pakistan and the Government of Pakistan to provide justice to His Holiness Gohar Shahi.

- HH Gohar Shahi was falsely accused of blasphemy to the Beloved Prophet Mohammad PBUH.

- HH Gohar Shahi was entrapped in other false cases also.
Cases of blasphemy PPC 295 A, B, C were instigated against HH Gohar Shahi.

- HH Gohar Shahi was sentenced in absentia while HH Gohar Shahi was on a tour abroad.

Eighteen years ago, the religious clerics conspired and instigated false cases of blasphemy against His Holiness Gohar Shahi. These false cases alleged blasphemy of Islam, blasphemy of the Quran and blasphemy of Prophet Mohammad (295-A, 295-B and 295-C). Then these dishonest clerics gave false statements in the court of law due to which the verdict was given against HH Gohar Shahi in absentia.

We humbly request the Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mian Saqib Nisar, to reopen these false cases against HH Gohar Shahi and allow justice to be served.

False claimants of prophethood are disbelievers; similarly, those who falsely accuse someone of claiming to be a prophet are also disbelievers. A blasphemer of Prophet Mohammad is a disbeliever; in the same manner, those who falsely accuse someone of blasphemy of Prophet Mohammad are also disbelievers.

The religious clerics have placed allegations upon HH Gohar Shahi that, God forbid, His Holiness claimed prophethood; this is nothing but slander.

From the platform of Mehdi Foundation International, we, as Pakistani citizens, appeal to the Pakistani Government, the Armed Forces (the Army, Navy and Air Force) and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to reopen the false cases and reconsider the verdicts made against HH Gohar Shahi so that justice may be served.


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Monday 5 November 2018

Meraj Un Nabi (saw) Jismani Thi Ya Rouhani? | ALRA TV

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Younus AlGohar describes, beyond any doubt, what happened on the Night of Ascension when Prophet Mohammad physically ascended to the Higher Realms and came face to face with God's Ancient Essence for the first time in human history.

Main points:

- The spiritual power and the proximity and connection to God that Prophet Mohammad was granted is unprecedented in the history. Prophet Mohammad not only witnessed God's splendour, but God also called Prophet Mohammad to himself with his body. Where the Koran mentions the Ascension, God used the word 'Abd' for Prophet Mohammad. The meaning of the word 'Abd' is that it is a compound of the body and the soul.

- The Ascension is evidence of the ethereal nature of Prophet Mohammad's body. Many great saints and prophets came to the world; however, did any of them have the power to physically ascend to God and come back? This was granted exclusively to Prophet Mohammad by God. One cannot possibly gauge just how ethereal Prophet Mohammad's body is - for it reached the Empyrean of God, a place the Human Soul cannot even access.

- Some religious clerics say that on the Night of Ascension, Prophet Mohammad did not see God, but rather signs of God. However, what would be the purpose of reaching the Empyrean of God if not to see God?

- The way Prophet Mohammad saw God was three-dimensional. There are three methods through which one could see God: the subtlety of Ana, the Tifl-e-Noorie (Body of God's Light) and the Jussa-e-Taufiq-e-Illahi (Divine Sub-Spirit). Prophet Mohammad saw God through all three means; this is the complete form of Liqa Billah.

- When Prophet Mohammad came face to face with God's Ancient Essence, divine theophanies from God's Ancient Essence fell upon Prophet Mohammad's body, diminishing any density that may have entered his body from his time on Earth. Thereafter, Prophet Mohammad became immortal and his body became so ethereal that when he returned to Earth and would walk in the Sun, he would not cast any shadow. He became a beautiful combination of Hadis (mortal) and Qadeem (ancient) divine energy, from head to toe.


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Saturday 3 November 2018

Qaza e Umri: Qaza Namaz Kesay Ada Ki Jaye?

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Younus AlGohar answers a viewer's question about how to indemnify for the Salat that one has neglected to perform throughout their lifetime.

Main points:

-  God has made Salat obligatory upon the Enlightened Believers. Until you become an Enlightened Believer, the obligation of Salat does not fall upon you. A Prophetic Tradition states, 'There is no Salat without the presence of the Spiritual Heart.' Once you become an Enlightened Believer, your Spiritual Heart will not allow you to miss any of the obligatory Salat.

- You become an Enlightened Believer when divine energy enters your heart and God's name is synchronised within the beating system of your heart. Then your heart will engage in God's remembrance even while you stand, sit and sleep.

- There are two signs of Enlightened Believers as per the Koran. The highest ranking Enlightened Believers are those upon whose hearts God has written faith - meaning that their hearts are stamped with God's name. And the other sign of a Enlightened Believer as per the Koran is that his heart engages in invocation of God's name while he stands, sit and tosses and turns in his bed.

- Before you are an Enlightened Believer, Salat is not obligatory upon you. Then there is no need to indemnify for the Salat you neglect to perform while not being an Enlightened Believer. When you become an Enlightened Believer, your heart compels you to offer Salat and you enjoy performing Salat. Then your heart does not allow you to miss out on Salat.


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Thursday 1 November 2018

Tassawuf Mein Islah-e-Qalb Ki Ehmiyat

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Younus AlGohar explains the importance of the heart in spirituality and religion - and how it is reformed.

Main points:

- Without spirituality, a religion is like a body without a soul. When spirituality enters the inner faculty of a person and the souls are revived, then that person reaches God and comes under the merciful glance of God. His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi's teachings, efforts and tireless exertions are not an attempt to earn fame or increase the number of followers. It is rather to bring God's name and light in every single vacant heart.

- Prophet Mohammad emphasised the importance of the heart. One day during circumambulation of the Kaaba, Prophet Mohammad stopped and said, 'O' Kaaba, your eminence is certain. but I, Mohammad, swear upon the one who holds my being in his possession that the heart of a True Believer is a thousand times greater than you.' Many other Sufis including Bulleh Shah, Allama Iqbal and Mevlana Rumi also emphasised the importance of the heart.

- His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, 'In spirituality, the heart has the central and most important role.' Prophet Mohammad also said the same thing: 'O' Son of Adam, there is a piece of flesh in your body. If it is reformed, the entire body is reformed. If it is corrupted, the entire body will be corrupted. Remember well: it is your heart.'

- Prophet Mohammad told the Companions, 'Whenever a person sins, then the sins are written in his Book of Deeds by the angels. And along with that, they place a black dot upon his heart.' God does not look at the deeds or the body; rather, God looks at hearts and the intentions therein. When God wants to know about a person, he looks at their heart. If the heart is completely covered in black dots, then God becomes upset.

- When due to an abundance of sins, the heart becomes completely blackened, then Prophet Mohammad said that no advice is effective at all upon such a person. Today, people recite the Koran and regularly visit the mosques, but the advice of the Koran and Prophetic Traditions have no effect on them; this is because they require the reformation of the heart.

- Prophet Mohammad said, 'There is a polish for everything that tarnishes. The polish of the heart is Dhikr Allah (invocation of God's name).' Therefore, His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi took the steps towards treating the illness due to which the Koran and Prophetic Traditions would gradually become less effective upon you. His Divine Eminence cultivated the Heart Reformation Movement. Hearts are being reformed and a time will come when the pure hearts will outnumber the impure hearts.

- Prophet Mohammad said, 'A time will come upon my nation when nothing will be left in Islam for except its name and nothing will be left in the Koran for except its customary recitation.' Today, we are living in the era that Prophet Mohammad prophesied. Now, before reading the Koran, you will have to cleanse this heart so that the Koran may settle within its chambers. When you humbly follow the advice of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi and begin to purify and cleanse your heart, then you shall not only become a disciple of HDE Gohar Shahi, but you will also become an Ummati of Prophet Mohammad. This is the path that is for all humanity no matter what religion they follow.

- The voice of HDE Gohar Shahi is the voice of love. It cannot be suppressed. As soon as the voice of HDE Gohar Shahi enters a heart, that heart echoes at the Empyrean of God. 'The heart of a True Believer is the Throne of God. The heart of a True Believer is the divine abode.'


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