Saturday 23 February 2013

Signs of the Advent of Imam Mehdi

A number of scholars throughout the world have been saying that the advent of Imam Mehdi is very near and this has been going on for the past decade. A few of the learned scholarly individuals in Pakistan also are indicating the advent of the Awaited One, Imam Mehdi in the near future. Then, Sheikh Nazim al Haqani from the Naqshbandi Sufi Order who comes from Cyprus has also been saying that the advent of Imam Mehdi is very near. However, one individual namely Tahir ul Qadri very strongly dismisses any possibility of the advent of Imam Mehdi in our present time or in the next century or even in seven centuries. He says it is at least almost 800 years before the world sees Imam Mehdi. He has a considerable amount of following in different countries of the world. I do not know why and how has he concluded that Imam Mehdi’s advent is not near. However, after the images of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi have become prominent on different celestial bodies and terrestrial objects we are pretty sure that HDE Gohar Shahi is the Awaited Imam Mehdi and this is not just the appearance of the images of HDE Gohar Shahi on the Moon and on the Sun and on the Holy Black Stone that sums up the advent of Imam Mehdi. There are a number of facts, and a thorough probe into the teachings of HDE Gohar Shahi and the authority and spiritual power and the discerning eye of HDE Gohar Shahi over the matters of humanity and also the Seal of Mehdi-hood which forms up with veins and arteries on the back of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. 

The Seal of Mehdi-hood on the back of HDE Gohar Shahi is not a stamp and it is not engrossed or marked in the skin. The formation of the Seal of Mehdi-hood on the back of HDE Gohar Shahi itself is mighty evidence that it is not humanly possible to have made such a mind blowing phenomenal stamp. This Seal forms up with arteries and veins and the Seal is not always visible on the back of HDE Gohar Shahi. Normally if you have this rare opportunity to view the back of HDE Gohar Shahi, chances are that you will not see it, however if HDE Gohar Shahi invites you to have a look at it, then of course you will see that many veins and arteries would gather in one place mostly it appears on the left shoulder. This is to do with the position of the heart because a seal, either it’s the seal of Prophet-hood or any other seal that endorses the fact that this dignitary has been anointed and appointed by God. Such seals always appear on the left shoulder. This Seal of Mehdi-hood on the back of HDE Gohar Shahi is not like a rubber stamp or is not carved in the skin. Had it been carved in the skin, the chances were people would attempt to have such a Seal made on their skin because they already have this system of tattoo, with that technology you can have any normal stamp made on the back. But what God does cannot be done by anyone. So this Seal of Mehdi-hood on the back of HDE Gohar Shahi is not always there. It forms up with arteries and veins and when it appears from within the skin, the arteries swell up and form words like ‘Mehdi’ and ‘Gohar Shahi’ and the Kalima. When it does, what happens is when the arteries and veins swell up, it’s like raised up from the normal area. You’ll notice seven different colours emanating from the Seal of Mehdi-hood from the back of HDE Gohar Shahi so it’s quite a fascinating experience to view. 

I remember Prophet Mohammad appeared to me in my dream back in 1997 and the Prophet asked me to start telling the world about the Mehdi-hood of HDE Gohar Shahi and in my dream I was also shown the Seal of Mehdi-hood. Prophet Mohammad also had a Seal of Prophet-hood on his back. Sometimes, HDE Gohar Shahi is standing and I am standing behind HDE at my place, I would see the Seal would show up under the shirt, especially when the room is dark or there is not enough light, it appears to be glowing. When I asked HDE Gohar Shahi if I was allowed to tell people that I witnessed this Seal of Mehdi-hood on His back, HDE Gohar Shahi said that I was allowed to tell the world. I asked the Lord, what if people ask me for evidence and the Lord said, ‘Tell them look at this image in Deen-e-Ilahi.’ ‘Mohammad’ is inscribed on the fingers on the right hand of HDE Gohar Shahi and word ‘Allah’ is inscribed on the fingers of the left hand of HDE Gohar Shahi. The Lord said to me, ‘This world Allah and Mohammad written on my fingers is part of the Seal of Mehdi-hood.’ So partially you can see the seal of Mehdi-hood if you look at that picture in Deen-e-Ilahi and the note under this picture is very significant. The Lord said people raise questions: Why Allah is written on the fingers of your left hand? And HDE replied, ‘If I had written the word Allah on the fingers of my left hand you could hold me as a culprit’, and HDE said, ‘Ask God, he wrote his name on my fingers.’ It is not possible that we can inscribe the word Allah on our fingers in a way that it cannot be removed; it cannot be omitted because it’s a divine phenomenon. It is not a human effort. 

Word Allah appearing on Imam Mehdi’s finger of the left hand cannot be disrespect to God or Prophet Mohammad because according to Quran, there are some special Momineen upon the heart of who God writes his name 

 أُولَٰئِكَ كَتَبَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الْإِيمَانَ


When Emaan is inscribed in the hearts, HDE Gohar Shahi said, ‘What will he write on your heart as Emaan? Is there any word better than Allah? Why would he write anything lesser than Allah? When the person belongs to Allah, Allah will be written on his heart.’ So Allah is written on some hearts and then what happens. Allah written on your heart and your son and daughter while they are babies you put them on your chest and play with them, do you think this is disrespect? No it is not.  

Today people raise questions and say word Allah written on the left hand of Gohar Shahi this is disrespect to Gods name. What about Prophet Mohammad, he also has the Seal of Prophet-hood and the Kalima ‘La Ilaha Illallah Mohammad Rasool Allah’ inscribed on his back and we know for sure his grandson used to sit on his back, was that not disrespect? 

I personally have observed on the index finger of HDE Gohar Shahi’s right hand, the nail of the index finger is full or writings. There are different verses of the Quran; there are different verses from Loh-e-Mahfouz. I was shown that the whole Surah al Yaseen is written on the nail of the index finger of HDE Gohar Shahi. 

These signs of God, HDE Gohar Shahi’s image on the Moon and images on the Sun and Holy Black Stone, this is a divine indication that endorses the Mehdi-hood of HDE. Imam Mehdi has already come however, in order for people to appreciate this truth and to embrace the truth they need to have a criterion. They need to examine this truth systematically. The problem with people is their mind is already stuffed with negative propaganda and resentment, futile, baseless resentment. If you really want to know the truth, go after it, make some inquiries, examine it and study the case. You don’t know anything about HDE Gohar Shahi and you reject he truth this shows how prejudice you are. The problem is people have been given disinformation. The lobby that works against HDE Gohar Shahi, they say everything that they want to say in order to do character assassination of HDE Gohar Shahi, however if you really are just and you are in search of God and you follow Islam and Quran and traditions of Prophet Mohammad then do not believe in news items not verified. This matter of the advent of Mehdi, this matter that a number of people claim that HDE Gohar Shahi is Imam Mehdi, you should give this a very serious thought and some really intriguing examination. If you dismiss the truth without going into the matter, without examining it, it will only reveal how stupid and ignorant you are and how bias you are. 

Secondly, we the followers of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi had been with HDE Gohar Shahi for a long period of time and then after many years, we noticed a few things, we studied the case and we came to believe that the one we were awaiting as Imam Mehdi has come and this Awaited One, Imam Mehdi, is none else but our own Spiritual Master, His Divine Grace, Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. For a genuine Imam Mehdi he has to be appointed by God and nobody should have a problem with this. If God appoints somebody to be Imam Mehdi then it doesn’t matter what kind of concept you have for Imam Mehdi you have to believe it. If you don’t believe the person God appoints to be Imam Mehdi then you are going against the will of God. You think Imam Mehdi will come from the skies? He won’t live among people? No. Even Quran said about Prophet Mohammad: The appointed one from among you. So where are we looking for Imam Mehdi, have we set our eyes on the skies and waiting for Imam Mehdi? Maybe we are thinking Gabriel will drop Imam Mehdi one day like Jesus will jump from Alam-e-Jabrout and he will fall onto the mosque in Syria. From Alam-e-Jabrout he will fall onto the mosque in Syria and then he will need a ladder. He will not need a ladder from the journey between earth and sky but from the mosque to the floor he will need a ladder. 

The genuine Imam Mehdi is one who has been appointed by God and what could be a more authentic verification for the fact that HDE Gohar Shahi is Imam Mehdi than having this authority and power that with one singular glance of HDE Gohar Shahi, lifeless hearts are revived and engage in eternal remembrance of God? One who is appointed by God can take anybody to God and that is enough. 

Those pseudo-claimants they didn’t have this spiritual power. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani did not have Batini knowledge. He was not a Sufi. He was not able to connect people with God. None of the claimants had any spiritual insight, had any Esoteric Knowledge. They were all one-eyed pythons. They were all Dajjal. They had just one knowledge in their possession which is available in books and anybody can have such knowledge. But the one who is appointed by God will have knowledge from God, live knowledge. Then we see so many learned, discerning spiritual men today talk about the advent of Imam Mehdi and according to their knowledge the emergence of Imam Mehdi is very near. 

But let me remind you, HDE Gohar Shahi, 17 years ago, said:  
‘A number of scholars all around the world are predicting the advent of Imam Mehdi very soon, however, Gohar Shahi says Imam Mehdi has already emerged and in your own country, Pakistan, He is presiding a spiritual organisation. His face has been shown to the saints on duty and now God is working on some kind of miraculous revealing of the identity of Imam Mehdi and His knowledge will unite all religions, all hearts of humanity. His discerning eye and spiritual authority will unify hearts of humanity.’

Individuals like Tahir ul Qadri, maybe because of their grudge against HDE Gohar Shahi, have said such a thing because the narrations that he mentioned were not even Ahadith. They were narrations by some Mufasireen and their own interpretations and their and opinions. There is no such Hadith. 

If humanity needs Imam Mehdi today, what do you think God would do? He would delay it knowingly? He would let humanity suffer, and let humanity be deprived of becoming Momin and being connected with God? Do you think God will wait for the moment when nobody will need Imam Mehdi? This is the time we need Imam Mehdi. Peep into your hearts, the Muslims, Christians, Jew, Hindus, they are all disconnected from God. You think this ritualistic practise of the religion makes you a Godly person? You think going to the temples, mosques, synagogues and churches will let you please God? Your heart is darkened. You are lost in the wilderness of this world. You have no connection with God. You have lost the mark of your excellence. The mark of excellence for Mohammadans is the ability to see God whereas today you are not even Momin let alone having the ability to see God and you still think that Islam is everywhere; there are mosques and there are people are in the mosques praying five times so Kufr is not still prevailing so this is not the right time for Imam Mehdi to come. Of course there are plenty of mosques today and there are so many people praying in the mosques but then again when a calamity strikes against Muslims all these Islamic counties go into a coma. Nobody comes out for help. One Muslim country is suffering and its neighbour Muslim country is sleeping. They don’t help each other and according to Prophet Mohammad all Momineen are brothers. If one Momin suffers the other one feels the pain of his suffering. What kind of Islam do we have today; a deceased Islam. Islam was young when Islam was breathing Mohammad. But when you omitted love of Prophet Mohammad from the body of Islam, Islam became a living dead body. You have Salat, Soum, recitation of the Quran, but today my friend your heart is not connected with God. You have this emptiness; you are not pleased with your religion. 

There are more than 73 sects in Islam today and you are killing each other. I am really surprised when I see somebody living in Pakistan, Imam Mehdi appearing in this era and in Pakistan where people are killing each other every day. Prophet Mohammad said, ‘Towards the end of this world people will kill each other without a reason. The killer will not know why he is killing and the one being killed will not know why I am being killed,’ and this is happening today in front of our eyes. Every now and then we see the figure is in triple digits, 113 people died in Quetta, 30 died in North Karachi, so and so. People are constantly dying, are killed, this is an organised butchery of human-kind. These are all Muslims, Mujahideen. This is Jihad fee Sabeel Allah? This is by God, not Jihad. This is Fassad. 

What kind of Islam is this where a Muslim Mujahid implants a bomb in a mosque? You have so much hatred for your own Muslim brothers and you call it Islam and you think Islam is prevailing? Where is it? I cannot see Islam in action. People used to say the saints are in the graves and Islam is restricted to the books only but unfortunately today we cannot see Islam even in the books because the books have been modified, altered, tampered with. We do not have the right interpretation of the religion of Islam today. This is the time of the ultimate adversity for the entire humanity not just for the Muslims. We need the Awaited One, only He has authority and power to bring peace back into the lives of people. All the messengers and all the prophets and all the saints are back in the pavilion. Imam Mehdi is going to play the last wicket. 

If Hadith says this is the time for Imam Mehdi to come, what if humanity needs Imam Mehdi earlier than expected? Do you think God will see humanity suffering? One thing is really disturbing to my heart and to my mind, Prophet Mohammad did not comment on anything after 14th Century. He has commented on leading events that would take place from the day he migrated from Mecca to Medina and that’s when Hijiri starts. From that day until 14th Century he has predicted many things and most of those things have happened. However Prophet Mohammad remained silent on what would happen after the 14th Century. How can we believe what Tahir ul Qadri has said about the advent of Imam Mehdi? We are already in the 15th Century and he is adding up another 8 centuries which would mean 23 centuries. Prophet Mohammad did not say anything about 15th Century then how can you say Imam Mehdi will come in the 23rd Century when Prophet Mohammad did not comment after the 14th Century? If Imam Mehdi is coming in the 23rd Century it simply means Prophet Mohammad never talked about Imam Mehdi. 

I asked people to ask Tahir ul Qadri what is his source for what he is and what he says and on what spiritual grounds does he believe that this era does not belong to Imam Mehdi? I invite people to compel Tahir ul Qadri to tell us in the light of Quran and Hadith and Sunnah, the status of the image of HDE Gohar Shahi’s image on the Moon and the spiritual and divine status, legal, religious and divine status of the image of HDE Gohar Shahi in the Holy Black Stone. Ask Tahir ul Qadri if there is a possibility of a human face appearing on the Holy Black Stone. What does his knowledge say? Do not forget he claims to have special knowledge given to him by God. If he says there is no such thing in Quran and Hadith and Sunnah tell him, if you do not have anything mentioned in the Quran and in the Hadith and Sunnah about this image of HDE Gohar Shahi on the Moon and in the Sun and on the Holy Black Stone, then utilise if you have any special knowledge granted to you by God. Tell us, is there any image on the Moon; say yes or no. Is there any image in the Holy Black Stone; say yes or no. If you call yourself Sheikh ul Islam this matter is very sensitive. We hold you responsible for finding a solution for this sensitive issue because you call yourself Sheikh ul Islam. Why don’t you come up and comment on this issue. There are a lot of people who are not only talking about these images but they are propagating all over the world, running a publicity campaign globally.

All the false claimants of Mehdi-hood were non-Sufi's. A Sufi is one who has seen God and is connected with God. And those who have seen God and are connected with God DO NOT MAKE FALSE CLAIMS. None of the false claimants was in possession of Inner knowledge and spiritual status. The genuine Imam Mehdi is one that God has appointed

Saturday 16 February 2013

Divine Love

Our heart is like a DVD player. If you play a bad movie the bad movie is going to come on but if you put a good movie on the DVD player the good movie will come. If you put God in your heart you will love people, even the people that give you hard time but if you have evil in your heart then you will love the bad people and hate the good people. And if you have evil and God in your heart then you will love the people you want to love and hate the people you want to. Everybody wants to be loved, that’s because God is love. Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said that the main thing is to love. People worship God to make God accept them and if you don’t worship properly God will not accept you.

People are becoming terrorists because there is no love in their heart. If we want to wipe away hatred from our hearts you have to bring God in your hearts. Somebody who loves God truly has God and love in their heart. Some people do give a hard time to other people, but if people have love and God in their heart then we will love everybody even the people that are bad and give us a hard time and if we have evil in our hearts we will hate good people and love bad people.

By: Nazish Riaz Younus

The Esoteric Interpretation of the First Verse of the Quran (اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ)

The first ayah that was revealed unto the heart of Prophet Mohammad was:
اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ

Surah Al-Alaq [96:1]

In order to arrive at a satisfactory explanation and interpretation, one has to cover different dimensions of the words and different shadows of the meaning. You see, before we transliterate or interpret certain words, we need to see the connotation that lies behind every word. There are two main things we need to understand. God does not speak Arabic, it’s not his language and the evidence that God’s language is not Arabic is found in the Quran. God said, ‘We revealed the Quran in Arabic so that you can understand it.’ If God spoke Arabic he wouldn’t say this. In other words had God revealed the Quran in his own very language the chances were the people would not understand a single word. So the purpose of the Quran being revealed in the Arabic language is that the Arabic language was the language of the land where Prophet Mohammad lived and everybody that lived there spoke the language. Therefore, God decided to reveal the Quran in the language of the people who lived in that particular area. Now the Quran is in the Arabic language and Arabic language is the lingo of that particular land which means those people who lived in that area have been speaking the language for a long time, as a result of which there may have been several words in Arabic which would have different connotations. The connotation which comes from the Arab culture, from Arab tradition is one factor. The Arabic language has cultural and traditional connotation, and then God also revealed the Quran in the Arabic language. Now we need to see which word is heavily dominated by the divine connotation and how much that word is burdened with the cultural connotation of the Arabic land. So there are two different types of connotation with every single word of the Arabic language, the divine connotation and the cultural connotation. 

Then, some of the words of the Quran were not Arabic. This is why when certain ayahs were revealed and Prophet Mohammad said it to them, they asked Prophet Mohammad what does it mean? If those words were Arabic words they would understand and they would not ask Prophet Mohammad questions. Some of those words were naïve, uncommon, never heard before to those people so they asked the Prophet what did it mean and then the Prophet Mohammad explained it to them. The question rises, these people who were very literate and whose standard of language was very high, they were poets and they were asking the meaning of Arabic words to a person who has never been to school? It is impossible. Those who say every word of Quran comes from the Arabic language, may I bother them to ponder on this subject and point that these Arabs who were very literate who were poets, they would know every word of Quran. Their language skills were very high. They had wonderful expertise in that language. They would not have asked Mohammad the ‘unlettered one’, the one who had never been schooled. That is my evidence and that is my argument. The reason why these very literate people ask Prophet Mohammad about certain words is because the words were not Arabic. They were Syriac (Suryani, God’s language). 

In a similar way this word ‘Iqra’ (اقْرَأْ) is not from Arabic. Our highly qualified interpreters of Quran in Pakistan and India translate the word Iqra into read. May I ask them, was this ayah written on a piece of paper? How would you read when it was not written? It was not written even according to the Quran, it was revealed onto the heart of the Prophet. It was not written on any piece of paper then why do you say the meaning of Iqra is to read? It doesn’t mean read! It is not an Arabic word; it is a Syriac word and Iqra means acknowledge. But the religious clergy, religious scholars of our times do not seem to know what was happening inwardly, what was going on inside the heart of Prophet Mohammad and why Prophet Mohammad did not acknowledge to whatever the Gabriel was asking him to acknowledge. Gabriel said ‘Iqra’ (acknowledge), and he said ‘انا لىس بقارئ’ and this happened three times. Then Gabriel hugged Prophet Mohammad really tight. According to one of the most famous saints in Pakistan, Sultan Haq Bahu that while the Gabriel was hugging the Prophet chest to chest, the name of God in form of light was transferred from the chest of Gabriel into the chest of Prophet Mohammad. And Prophet Mohammad did not acknowledge until God’s name became prominently visible written on the screen of his heart. Once the name of God became visible, prominent, glittering and shining on the screen of the Prophet’s heart, he said اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ’ and this was the acknowledgement of the name which was handed over to Prophet Mohammad. And my argument which of course is against the regular interpretation of the Quran which almost every single interpreter has put forward that of translating the word Iqra into read, if the meaning of this word Iqra was to read then you have to prove that Gabriel brought something written on a piece of paper, because you only read what is written. 

Secondly, Gabriel did not say anything. If Gabriel had said repeat these words he would say ‘Qul’ (قُلْ), say it, not Iqra. You read what is written and you say what you hear and acknowledge what you receive. Therefore, the first verse means to acknowledge, and the Prophet Mohammad did not acknowledge it until he saw the word Allah written on his heart. Once he received it he said: اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ. The meaning of Iqra is not to read or say, but to acknowledge.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

'The Sun will Rise from its West'

Those who say the Quran does not mention Imam Mehdi have to look no farther than Surah al An’aam.  

Surah al An’aam:

هَلْ يَنْظُرُونَ إِلَّا أَنْ تَأْتِيَهُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ أَوْ يَأْتِيَ رَبُّكَ أَوْ يَأْتِيَ بَعْضُ آيَاتِ رَبِّكَ ۗ يَوْمَ يَأْتِي بَعْضُ آيَاتِ رَبِّكَ لَا يَنْفَعُ نَفْسًا إِيمَانُهَا لَمْ تَكُنْ آمَنَتْ مِنْ قَبْلُ أَوْ كَسَبَتْ فِي إِيمَانِهَا خَيْرًا ۗ قُلِ انْتَظِرُوا إِنَّا مُنْتَظِرُونَ


Are they waiting to see the Archangels to come or your Lord to come, or some of his signs to come! And the day the signs come none would benefit from them for except those who already believe.

Some Muslims say that the Archangel Gabriel shall come and make an announcement about the arrival of Imam Mehdi and the Divine Signs shall manifest but God says that only those who have submitted to faith beforehand are the ones that shall benefit from these signs. Obviously this verse is not referring to belief in the Prophet-hood of Prophet Mohammad or the Quran. The following Hadith is the explanation to this Quranic verse:

امام مسلم : ثلاث اذا خرجن لا ینفع نفسا ایمنھا لم تکن امنت من قبل او کسبت فی ایمنھا خیرا طلوع الشمس من مغربھا والدجال و دابۃ الارض

[Narrated by Imam Muslim]

There are three things which will only benefit those who would have already believed in them and none others would benefit from them; number one, the rising of the Sun from its West, emergence of the Dajjal (anti-Christ) and worms of the Earth.

When these three signs manifest, only those shall benefit from these signs that had faith in them before their manifestation. The explanation given by Prophet Mohammad for the above ayah reveals the three things that the ayah of Surah al An’aam refers to and to believe in these is to submit to faith. 

First of all, the Sun shall rise from its west. Most Islamic Scholars say the Sun will physically rise from the west instead of the east but the words of the Hadith say طلوع الشمس من مغربھا. The Sun shall not rise from the west, rather from ‘its’ west, meaning the Sun’s west and this rising of the Sun from its west refers to Imam Mehdi.  

The front side of the Sun that we can see is one dimensional only. No matter what angle you look at the Sun from, you cannot see the Sun from underneath or from behind. Up to this day the front side of the Sun (Sun’s east), this first dimension of the Sun, is all the world has seen. Upon the advent of Imam Mehdi the Sun’s west shall become visible. This backside of the Sun is young. Currently there is a hole in the Ozone layer and we have heard when Imam Mehdi arrives there shall be peace and tranquillity everywhere, there shall be no destruction and no mischief, there will be love and human beings will be able see an ideal world. 

Now, if our kidneys stop functioning we take medicine and if the heart has a malfunction it can be repaired and in some cases a transplant can be done. But never before has anyone heard that if the Sun has a problem that too can be repaired. This is the sign of Imam Mehdi. Because of the hole in the Ozone layer Imam Mehdi shall spin the Sun to the other side and this is the physical aspect of the Sun rising from its West. It is not as if the Sun shall rise from Seattle rather than Japan. If that were to be the case, all times zones would be terminated and Japan’s time would be in Seattle and Seattle’s time would be in Japan. This would cause a lot of problems and the entire solar system would collapse. Why would God do such a thing? So we now know that the Sun has an east and a west side. No matter what planet you look upon the Sun from, you shall only see its east because the west is hidden and no one has seen it yet. The Sun is very far away and the back side of the Sun shall come forward and this will physically happen, however, the Sun shall still rise from Japan. 

The true connotation of this ‘rising of the Sun from its west’ is esoteric. In Spirituality the Sun represents God. One day, when God thought to see him a reflection appeared before him and he fell in love with that reflection (reflection which is the Tifle Noorie of Imam Mehdi). He danced out of love seven times and the Tifle Noorie (auxiliary soul of God) of the Sultan ul Fuqra came into existence. On the right-side of God (east) were the Tifle Noorie of Prophet Mohammad and then the seven Sultans next to each other and on the left-side of God (west) was the reflection of Imam Mehdi. Now the side of God, the East (مَشْرِقَ) where Prophet Mohammad and the Sultans are standing had been facing this world and the backside of the Sun where the reflection of Imam Mehdi is, is God’s West (مَغْرِبَ). The Quran says:

رَبُّ الْمَشْرِقَيْنِ وَرَبُّ الْمَغْرِبَيْنِ


The Lord of the East (Mashriq) and the Lord of the West (Maghreb)

When God desired to give guidance from his East, he sent prophets, messengers, Fuqra, and Lovers of God and they rendered guidance to people and enlightened them. He is their Lord also however he is also the Lord of the West. When Imam Mehdi comes from the west, he shall render guidance to more of the creation and direct even more people towards God. Those who came from the east were given guidance and now those who receive guidance from the west shall be guided ones also.  

Now the order from the Sun’s east begins with the Tifle Noorie of Prophet Mohammad attached to God and then the Tifle Noorie of Abdul Qadir Jillani (Ghous Pak) is attached to Prophet Mohammad and then the Tifle Noorie of the other Sultan ul Fuqra. The Spiritual Guidance being rendered in this order is via Prophet-hood. But now when Imam Mehdi has arrived with the reflection, God has turned his direction towards that reflection and all the prophets, messengers and saints are now behind God. In the front now are God and the reflection of Imam Mehdi. Now, no Wasilla (medium) is needed, no religion is needed, no Sharia or Religious Law is needed. 

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi has said, 
‘One who has found HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi has actually found God.’ 

God is now facing Imam Mehdi’s Tifle Noorie only. Now only HDE Gohar Shahi is the way because the reflection that God fell in love with is within Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi. Now that God has changed his direction from the east to the west this is the sign that the time for the advent of Imam Mehdi has come. It is time to please Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi only! This is the true meaning of the ‘rising of the Sun from its West’.

The second sign is the emergence of the Dajjal, anti-Christ. When God changed his direction from the east to the west, all the prophets and messengers who brought the religions went behind God and to the front came the face of Imam Mehdi and God. Because Sharia is a part of the religion and the religions have now expired therefore Sharia is now invalid. God is no longer facing towards the prophets and their religions, he is facing Imam Mehdi. Spiritual Grace shall only be dispensed through the Merciful Glance (Nazar) of Imam Mehdi. 

Because the religions have been terminated, the one who preaches religion is deceiving and the deceiver shall be Dajjal. Deception will be common. Now there is only the hidden side of God and the face of Imam Mehdi. The religions have been terminated and only God’s Nazar, mercy and Rapturous Love (Ishq) prevail. Therefore the one who speaks of religion is a deceiver and this is the reality of the Dajjal.  

God has turned away from the religions and one who is raising the slogans of the religion is a deception. The greatest flag-bearer of religion in this era is Mullah Omar and he is the Dajjal (anti-Christ) and the greatest deceiver. Now God desires to be seen, worshiped, loved and you are trying to confuse people within the religion.  

The last of the three signs is the emergence of the worms of the Earth (دابۃ الارض). What are the worms of the Earth? The literal meaning is the worms that come out of the ground. But how is the emergence of worms from the ground such a great sign? Worms coming out from the ground is common and the ground is so vast, they could emerge from anywhere. But ‘worms of the Earth’ refers to many different types of insects that are not visible to the naked eye. Some of these insects shall cause illness like a virus, for which there will be no cure and because of which the death toll shall rise. 

Some insects shall emerge from the land where Imam Mehdi has been blasphemed and rejected and these insects shall enter the bodies of people there and suck the Noor out of their hearts. Wherever people blaspheme Imam Mehdi, these insects shall emerge from that land and eat the Emaan (faith) of people like a termite eats wood. When there is no reason, you have not said anything blasphemous with your tongue or committed any sin and still in the morning you are a Momin (Enlightened Believer) and by evening a Kafir (Infidel) it is due to such insects. And this is verified by Prophet Mohammad. 

Hadith: In the Twilight Era of this world, people shall be Momin in the morning and Kafir by evening.

The three signs above were mentioned by Prophet Mohammad and they are taking place. 

The Prophet Mohammad’s ability to provide his Ummah with intercession to God depends on his Tifle Noorie which is attached with God in his domain. But now God has turned away from that Tifle Noorie to face the Tifle Noorie of Imam Mehdi only.  When those who are connected to Imam Mehdi find out that the Sun has risen from its West they shall have no difficulty in believing.  All these religions emerged from God’s side that had been exposed to creation (East), and now they have expired. Now, God has ordained his own religion (Deen-e-Ilahi) to be in practise. Those who are blessed, who are already Momin shall submit to faith.  

A majority of people in Pakistan will be affected by the emergence of these earthly worms. The veils of disbelief will prevail upon these people and as long as they live on that land they shall never acknowledge the truth. Some people in India, Bangladesh and the Arab world shall be affected by the emergence of these earthly worms also. 

The Quran of the eastern side of God manifested in the form of word and the Quran of the hidden side of God is the manifestation of the countenance of His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi!