Tuesday 30 October 2018

Kiya Aaj Ke Dour Mein Jihad Jayez Hai? | ALRA TV | Younus AlGohar

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Younus AlGohar's irrefutable verdict on the permissibility of Jihad today in light of the statements of Prophet Mohammad.

Main points:

- When Prophet Mohammad entered Mecca victorious and an Islamic state was established there, he declared forgiveness for all. The people whom the Muslims had been battling were now helpless and in need of mercy, so Prophet Mohammad forgave them. He did not have them killed.

- When Islam was introduced in the Arabian peninsula, it was introduced gradually. There was a tribal system and culture in place and God disapproved of many of the Arabs' traditions - however, God did not immediately ban all of such traditions, lest the Arabs think that their culture was under attack. When Islam was established, the focus was on the gradual, spiritual reformation of the people. One verse at a time was made obligatory upon them, not the entire Koran all at once.

- The Arabs were warriors by nature. They were accustomed to bloodshed. There were ongoing tribal feuds between them which would last generations - this was part of their culture. The teachings of Islam directly attacked their tribal system and culture. When Islam was established, the tribal system and the leaders of the tribal system felt threatened by the presence of the new ethical system that Islam introduced. It was a new spiritual system in which everyone was invited.

- So the Companions were used to fighting. Then Mecca was conquered and there were no more enemies to fight. Islam was no longer in imminent danger. However, the Muslims would sharpen their swords and ask Prophet Mohammad when the next Jihad would be. This was the time when Prophet Mohammad issued a revolutionary statement. Prophet Mohammad said, 'The time for Jihad (with the Sword) is over.' Prophet Mohammad said, 'It is time to move from the Jihad al Asghar (Lesser Struggle) to the Jihad al Akbar (Greater Struggle).' Jalaluddin Suyuti, Abul Qasim Nishapuri, Mullah Ali Qari, the Taba Taba'in, Karbasi and all other grand Mutawalli and interpreters all say that this is the moment when Prophet Mohammad abrogated Jihad with the Sword.

- For many centuries, the Muslims lived with the understanding that Prophet Mohammad abrogated Jihad with the Sword and now the Greater Jihad was to wage a war against your Lower Self. But then came Ibn Taymiyyah, who rejected this statement by Prophet Mohammad and said that Jihad with the Sword should be carried out. He was denounced by everyone in his lifetime; however, when Abdul Wahhab Najadi was born many years later, he reestablished the poisonous ideology of Ibn Taymiyyah from Najd. He did this for his own agenda: so that in the Arabian Peninsula, the essence of Islam would be put aside and the Arabian culture would be reestablished over the essence of Islam. And he targeted the bond of affinity and servitude of Muslims with Prophet Mohammad so that when the bond of affinity is weakened, the importance of the words of Prophet Mohammad diminishes. And people no longer pay heed to the words and narrations of the Prophet. The foundation of Islam was obliterated by attacking the sanctity of the Prophet Mohammad.

- The concept of 'Jihad by the Sword', which had been abrogated by the Prophet, was brought to life again by the Wahhabis. Mischief and strife prevailed! And today, yet again, Imam Mehdi (as) is inviting mankind to turn towards the Greater Struggle (Jihad al Akbar) from the Lesser Struggle (Jihad al Asghar). Let us combat the greater enemy: the negative force within you.  And this war will not be fought with the sword, rather with divine energy. In this era, the inner struggle is more important than it has ever been. To wage a war against your own evil inside you - this is Jihad.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Sunday 28 October 2018

Sayedna Gohar Shahi Ka Imam Bargah Mein Khasoosi Khitab | ALRA TV

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An historic, EXCLUSIVE lecture by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi at an Imam Bargah in Pakistan in which His Divine Eminence touches upon the 10 esoteric chapters of the Koran, Sharia-e-Ahmadi and Sharia-e-Mohammadi, the Terrestrial Egg, the properties of Dhikr-e-Qalb (Opening of the Spiritual Heart), witnessing God's splendour, and much more. In this video, His Divine Eminence answers questions from the audience about the Dajjal (Antichrist), Imam Mehdi and the true Salat.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Ishq e Rasool (saw): Quran Aur Hadees Ki Roshni Mein

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Younus AlGohar comprehensive answers a viewer's question about what is means to actually and factually love the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in light of the Koran and Prophetic Traditions.

Main points:

- When a man came and told Prophet Mohammad that he wanted to love him, Prophet Mohammad advised him to adopt the teachings of Faqr (Spiritual Poverty), for Prophet Mohammad's love is attached to this knowledge and Prophet Mohammad takes pride in it.

- There are two categories of love for Prophet Mohammad: 1 - to love Prophet Mohammad in his personal capacity; 2 - to love him as a transition to obtain God’s love. Even if loving Prophet Mohammad is not your goal, loving Prophet Mohammad is the medium through which you will obtain God's love and faith. It is how you will become a True Believer.

- There are four parts to Sharia (the sacred law): The Koran, Sunnah (Customs of Prophet Mohammad), Qiyas and Ijma. All four parts of Sharia indicate Prophet Mohammad's love as being of utmost importance. The Koran 3:31 says that those who want to love God should follow Prophet Mohammad and as a result of them following Prophet Mohammad, God would love them. Sunnah: according to Prophet Mohammad, 'Not one of you can become a True Believer until you love me more than your parents, everybody else and your own life.'  Ijma: to obey Prophet Mohammad is to obey God. Qiyas: to love Prophet Mohammad is a sign of faith.

- In the Koran 94:7, God tells Prophet Mohammad that in the evening when he is free from his daily duties as prophet, he should perform Spiritual Journey and direct his attention towards his Lord. In order to follow this particular Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad, your inner being has to carry out the same activity that Prophet Mohammad's souls carried out: during this time, they would travel to God. So you will need to adopt the esoteric Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad.

- Prophet Mohammad's esoteric worship is Faqr (Spiritual Poverty). Faqr is to eradicate everything for except God from your heart and being. When this happens and, from head to toe, you are filled with divine energy, then this is Faqr. When you will obtain spiritual association with Prophet Mohammad, your heart will be connected to Prophet Mohammad's heart. From there, you will receive the spiritual benevolence of Faqr. The souls in your chest will be attached to the souls in Prophet Mohammad's chest. This attachment is known as love of Prophet Mohammad.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv 

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/


Sunday 21 October 2018

Lataif Ke Batni Maqamat Aur Un Ke Kaam

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Younus AlGohar's answers a viewer's question about the souls in the human body and their various functions in this informative video.

Main points:
- There are five subtleties in the human chest, from left to right: The Qalb (Spiritual Heart), the Sirri (The Secret), the Akhfah (The Obscure), the Khafi (The Arcane) and the Rouh (Main Human Soul). There is a soul in the forehead, the Ana, and there is a soul at the naval point, the Nafs (Lower Self). The Ana relates to the Realm of Divine Oneness and the Lower Self relates to this phenomenal world.

- The Spiritual Heart is the most important subtlety in spirituality. If the inner faculty of a human being is a room, the Spiritual Heart is the door to the room. The Spiritual Heart is the gateway to your inner being. All worship and their acceptance relate to the Spiritual Heart. It acts as a telephone operator between man and God.

- The Main Human Soul is your reality. The Khafi relates to the veil of the Realm of Divine Oneness. The Sirri helps you discover the secrets of God. The Akhfah also relates to the Throne of God. The Akhfah's physical function is to make the tongue speak. Its spiritual function is that it can speak without using your tongue and those with enlightened Akhfahs can hear its voice.

- The Ana, the soul in the forehead, relates to the realm where God resides. Its sole function is to see God. There are three veils upon it: The Veil of Negative Energy, the Satanic Veil and the Veil of Divine Energy. When all three veils are removed with the help of a Perfect Spiritual Guide, one can progress to the stage of witnessing the divine splendour.

- Sub-spirits are the children of your souls. The Spiritual Heart has three sub-spirits, the Lower Self has four sub-spirits and the Main Human Soul has two sub-spirits. So, including your body, you have the potential to be in seventeen places at once.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/

Saturday 20 October 2018

Azmat-e-Mustafa (saw) Ka Raaz

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In Part 2 of his extraordinary, mind-boggling explanation of Koran 42:52, Younus AlGohar divulges perhaps the most hidden element of Prophet Mohammad's eminence: the Rouha.

Watch Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi_Vn...

This is an advanced lecture suitable for those who have a background in Koranic studies and Sufism. It is highly recommended that you, in order to understand this speech fully, read 'The Religion of God (Divine Love)' by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

English: http://thereligionofgod.com/
Urdu: https://www.mehdifoundation.com/the-r...

Main points:

- Unfortunately, interpreters of the Koran have simply been copying the explanations of the Koran given by interpreters before them. This is the reason why all interpreters declared that the word ‘Rouh (Soul)’ means ‘The Koran’.  If Muslims want guidance, they will have to take back the responsibility of studying the religion themselves. We use the word ‘Wahi’ to refer to the God’s Word that has been revealed to the prophets. However, the original meaning of ‘Wahi’ itself in Suryani (Syriac) is ‘a breath.’ So in Koran 42:53, God says, ‘The Soul we breathed into you.’

- There is a difference between the word ‘Rouh’ and ‘Rouha’, both which roughly translate into the English word ‘Soul’. ‘Rouh’ means a soul that is the creation. On the other hand, the Rouha is, in reality, a hybrid. Prophet Mohammad had a Rouha. God placed the ability in it to switch between manifesting qualities of the creator and the creation. This is an example of how God himself is Love, Lover and Beloved. This is why God sometimes said to Prophet Mohammad, ‘It was not your hand that threw the sand, it was mine.’ The Koran is full of evidence to support this.

- His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi wrote in the Religion of God that there 14 000 different Adams were created. One of the Adams was named ‘Rouha’. This was because, after 1000 years, he could transform into a snake and back again. The Rouha Adam was created only to serve as an example: if human beings could switch between being a human and being an animal, then why could this not be the case for the creator and creation?

- This divine secret is beyond the Station of Divine Unity.  Prophet Mohammad was always in God’s proximity and Rapturous Love; he had no need for the Book or faith. God sent the Koran and faith for the benefit of common people. Faith is when divine energy enters the heart, however, Prophet Mohammad is by nature divine energy. Therefore, he has no need for it.

- Mansoor Hallaj did not have a Rouha. He had been granted a portion of divine energy from God’s essence. When that divine energy raced through his veins, the words slipped out from his tongue, ‘I am God.’ He thought God had dissolved in him, however, he was wrong. He simply couldn’t understand what was happening to him. Although he was a saint or God and accepted by God, the laws of Sharia were implemented against him in order to avoid any potential mischief to the religion caused by his claims.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Surah Ash Shuraa Ki Ayat 52 Ki Batni Tashreeh

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Younus AlGohar delivers a breathtaking speech explaining the true meaning of the Koranic verse 42:52, revealing fascinating and unprecedented divine secrets.

This is an advanced lecture suitable for those who have a background in Koranic studies and Sufism. It is highly recommended that you, in order to understand this speech fully, read 'The Religion of God (Divine Love)' by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

English: http://thereligionofgod.com/
Urdu: https://www.mehdifoundation.com/the-r...

Main points:

- If the esoteric explanation of Koran 42:52 (Surah Ash-Shura) is not given, then it may appear to contradict other verses of the Koran. God addressed Prophet Mohammad in Koran 42:52 and said, 'I sent a Soul as Divine Revelation to you with my command. And before that, you did not understand the book. And what did you know of faith? The divine energy was appointed within you. Out of my servants, I will grant guidance to those who I wish to through the divine energy, the flame of which I have placed in you. It is you who grants guidance towards the Straight Path.’

- Many clerics and scholars who translated this verse translated 'Soul (Rouh)' as 'Book'. They did this because they lack knowledge. Those who don't accept Prophet Mohammad to be divine energy say that wherever the word Noor (divine energy) was used for Prophet Mohammad in the Koran, it was actually referred to the Koran itself. And wherever the word 'Rouh' (soul) was used for Prophet Mohammad - which would prove the eminence of Prophet Mohammad - they said the word 'Rouh' refers to the Koran. And then they write that the soul represents life and the Koran is living, it also has a soul. This is a great injustice.

- It is not just the clerics who have been spreading misguidance; the interpreters of the Koran have been spreading misguidance this way for centuries. If the word 'Rouh' (soul) here is referred to the book and it means that Prophet Mohammad obtained guidance after the book was revealed, then why did Prophet Mohammad say that he was a prophet before he came into this world? Prophet Mohammad is the embodiment of divine energy. Do they mean to insinuate that Prophet Mohammad was misguided (God forbid) and then obtained guidance? So this means that the way interpreters and clerics have translated this verse of the Koran is incorrect.

- There is general guidance, exclusive guidance and ultra-exclusive guidance. General guidance is the definition most people know, where someone was misguided and then granted guidance. General guidance is when divine energy enters the heart. However, as one seeks to progress further towards God and his nearness, they need a newer type of guidance: the exclusive kind. So God said in Koran 42:52, ‘I will grant guidance to those who I wish to through the divine energy, the flame of which I have placed in you,’ which means that this type of guidance is not general. It is an ultra-exclusive type of guidance: it relates to witnessing the divine splendour. In this verse of the Koran, God is basically saying, ‘O’ Prophet Mohammad, it is through you that people will see me.' Only Prophet Mohammad who was granted the knowledge of seeing God.

- The Soul mentioned in this verse is not a common soul - it is not Prophet Mohammad’s own soul either, because it was revealed unto him while he was on Earth.  Just as God said that he inserted Rouh-e-Quds in Jesus Christ, similarly, in Prophet Mohammad too, there was an additional Soul. The ‘Book’ God mentions is a reference to the knowledge that God revealed the Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus respectively and the different levels of faith their respective knowledge would take a follower to.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/

Sunday 14 October 2018

Ayat e Tatheer Ka Pas Manzar

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Younus AlGohar explains the background of the famous verse of the Koran known as Ayat-e-Tatheer, Koran 33:33. He reveals who exactly God was addressing in this verse and why.

Main points

- The addressees of this verse are the wives of Prophet Mohammad. First, God says to them, 'You are the wives of a prophet. You are not common women; therefore, you must understand your position and rank. Do not behave like the average woman.'

- The pre-Islamic era is known as the Age of Ignorance. In the Age of Ignorance, women had their own style of makeup, fashion and conduct. The wives of Prophet Mohammad had been wearing makeup and fashion of the Age of Ignorance. In this verse of the Koran, God reprimands them for it, advises them to obey God and his Messenger and give the religious tax. He also says at the end that he has decided to purify them of all impurities.

- The Koran also says, 'O' wives of Prophet Mohammad, if you engage in any wrongdoings you will be given double punishment as compared to common women because you are not common women.'

- In the West, women and men mingle with one another freely; however, when it comes to the issue of public toilets, toilets are segregated by sex in order to avoid potential dangers. Similarly, God foresees many other issues due to which he forbid women from mingling with men unnecessarily.

- Any Muslim who thinks that Ayat-e-Tatheer was for Prophet Mohammad's progeny - Bibi Fatima, Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain and Syeda Zainab - is committing an act of disbelief. As they are the progeny of Prophet Mohammad, they are pure to begin with. They were born with divine energy. Since God said in Ayat-e-Tatheer, 'We have decided to purify them of impurity,' this does not apply to them.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv 

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/

Thursday 11 October 2018

Aaj Ka Ghair Muslim Musalmano Se Mutasir Kiyon Nahen?

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Younus AlGohar answers a question from viewer Abdul Ghani Soomro, who asked how Muslims can successfully convince non-Muslims to convert to Islam.

Main points:

- Non-Muslims are unimpressed by Muslims because the worship and religious rites carried out by Muslims today have not reformed their characters. Non-Muslims see that Muslims worship and then they commit fraud, lie and go back on their promises. The non-Muslims now believe that if Islam was truthful, Muslims would not have any of these vices in their characters. What non-Muslims do not know is that the worship carried out by Muslims today is incomplete and so they do not accurately represent Islam.

- The Koran prescribes Salat as a type of medicine to the True Believers, which stops them from committing wrongdoings and immorality. If a Muslim performs Salat and as a result, he does not commit wrongdoings or immorality, a non-Muslim will have to ponder, what is he doing which is bringing a change in his character?

- The number of people in the mosques is ever-increasing, but how many people's characters are being reformed by their religious practices? Clerics today seize the property of poor people and build their mosques there. Smugglers fund the construction of mosques with dirty money. How can such mosques render guidance? When God does not deprive anyone of their properties or rights, how many people do this in the name of building a 'house of God'? This practice in society suggests that people know the letter of the law, but they lack its meaning.

- People who watch Younus AlGohar's discourses on ALRA TV - whether they are Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Christian or even atheists, they leave satisfied and impressed. This is because we talk about God's love and mercy; we give God's true message. We give the sinners hope and invite them to adopt the path towards purification.

- You will only impress the non-Muslims when you yourself become a True Believer, a true member of the Muslim Nation. This will only happen when divine energy enters your heart and when you quit sectarianism. They will only be impressed by you when what you say is also what is in your heart and when you behave the same way with non-Muslims that you do with Muslims. In Prophet Mohammad's era, people believed in him due to his sublime character first.

- Your worship is being wasted. Your worship is only valid when your heart is present. You must bring divine energy into your heart, and you can only do this with spiritual knowledge. Without the revival of the heart, your worship is like a gun without bullets. The people who had this knowledge were the saints. Today, the so-called 'Pirs' in Pakistan have made an industry of 'sainthood' - they gather donations and take advantage of people. The leader of the Pir Industry in Pakistan is Tahir ul Qadri. A true saint of God will purify your Lower Self and remove the vices from your heart; he will bring God's image upon your heart.

- We began this campaign to raise awareness of spiritual knowledge after being in His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi's auspicious company. God's name resounds in people's hearts when they come here, that is why they stay with this movement. Otherwise, they would run away. This is why ALRA TV's subscriber count has grown exponentially. People are reaping the spiritual benefits of this knowledge - and most importantly, having come under the spiritual concentration of HDE Gohar Shahi, hatred is being removed from their hearts.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv 

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





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Tuesday 9 October 2018

Pak Islami Mahine Aur Bedari e Qalb ki Ehmiyat

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Younus AlGohar's food for thought about the Muslim World's approach to certain sacred days and months in Islam and their part-time practice of the religion.

Main points:

- No month is 'impure'. There is benevolence to be obtained from Ramadan and Muharram, however the majority of people do not know how. Therefore, for them, it doesn't matter if a month is 'pure' or not - they all pass the same.

- The special night, Laila tul Qadr, comes every year. It is better than 1000 months of sincere worship, which means 83 years. In other words, if one obtains the spiritual benefits of Laila tul Qadr, that is enough for their entire lifetime. The thing is: you must possess the thing which enables you to obtain the blessings of God rendered on the auspicious night of Laila tul Qadr. You need your heart and soul revived.

- In Pakistan, Muslims' approach to the religion is seasonal. When it is Muharram, they talk about the Prophet Mohammad's Household. When it is 12 Rabi ul Awwal (Prophet Mohammad's Birthday), they only talk about Prophet Mohammad - but the moment the day is over, it is like they do not know who Prophet Mohammad is. During Ramadan, people take on a religious getup and listen to recitations of the holy text. They have made a mockery out of the religion.

- People think Friday is a holy day, therefore the trend for the majority of them is that they only worship on Fridays. They practically think they are exempt from praying five times a day (which is obligatory in the religion). This practice is so common in Pakistan that it is a running joke - people say they only worship 'Friday to Friday'.

- You cannot worship only during certain sacred months and forget about your religious obligations during the rest of the year. Islam is an entire lifestyle and when you adopt Islam, you have to 'enter it completely', as the Koran 2:208 declares. To enter Islam completely means that your inner and outer being must adopt Islam. Your tongue, body, heart, soul and Lower Self must all practise Islam. It is not a part-time job - if you treat Islam as a part-time job, you will not reap any benefits from it.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv 

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/

Sunday 7 October 2018

Quran Mein Poshida Suryani Alfaz | ALRA TV

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Younus AlGohar explains in detail how God has used Syriac (Suryani, God's language) words and grammar in the Koran.

Main points:

- The Koran doesn't only have the words of Syriac but the Syriac grammar is also used here and there. For example, Syriac grammar is used in Koran 39:22. The names of God, such as 'Allah' or 'Rehman' are sometimes used to refer to the names in certain verses, and sometimes it is referring to the being of God. The correct translation of Koran 39:22 is 'And he who has enlightened the faculties of his chest with God's name for Islam will obtain divine energy from his Lord.' Mostly, when God refers to his own being, he will speak in the third person or use the word'He'.

- Another grammatical issue that arises in the Koran as a result of the use of Syriac grammar is exemplified in Koran 48:2. If Person X says to Person Y, 'I am yours,' this means, 'I belong to you.' If Person Y is told, 'Yours is in danger,' it doesn't mean that he is in danger; rather, it means the person who belongs to him, Person X, is in danger. A similar type of conversation takes place in the Syriac language. God addressed Prophet Mohammad in the style of his Syriac language after the Conquest of Mecca; he said, 'We have forgiven the past and future sins of yours (those who belong to you), for your sake.'

- The phrase, 'Sins of yours' can be taken to have two different meanings and it depends on the person what they understand from it.  Some people say that God is saying here, 'Prophet Mohammad, we have forgiven all your past and future sins,' however, according to the tenets of Islam, all prophets are infallible. They cannot sin. If one thinks that Prophet Mohammad, the Leader of Prophets and Messengers, can sin, then this is sheer disbelief and blasphemy. Rather than misinterpret this verse and take out a meaning which contradicts the fundamental tenets of Islam, it is better to ask a saint of God what this verse means.

- Accents were not part of the Koranic text; they were added by order of Hujjaj bin Yousaf. Due to the unnecessary addition of these accents and pauses to the text, the very meanings of the words in the Koran were altered. Compound words were separated and separate words were put together when this happened.

- The Koran was revealed in Arabic so that the Arab-speaking people could relate to the words in the Koran as they would be words their intellects were familiar with. Neither God nor Prophet Mohammad intended for the Koran to be compiled into a book, therefore God did not plan for how people would understand the Koran based on reading it in a bookish form. Those who lacked spiritual knowledge - Umar bin Khattab, Abu Bakr Sadiq and Usman-e-Ghani - thought that people would forget the Koran, therefore they compiled it. Had they had spiritual knowledge, they would have known that the Koran was protected in Prophet Mohammad's heart, and it would be transferred from his heart to other hearts spiritually.


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Tuesday 2 October 2018

Deedar-e-Mustafa (saw) Ummati Honay Ki Shart | ALRA TV

**Turn on CC for English & Urdu Subtitles**

Younus AlGohar answers a viewer's question about how one can practically see Prophet Mohammad.

Main points:

- Every single Muslim has the belief that the face of Prophet Mohammad will be shown to them in the grave and they will be asked, 'What did you say about this man?' The question arises: only those saw Prophet Mohammad who were present in his era. All those who became Muslims afterwards did not see Prophet Mohammad - how would they recognise him?

- When I became associated with His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi and obtained the teachings, I came to know that seeing Prophet Mohammad is not a spiritual luxury. Rather, it is the prerequisite of becoming a true follower. You must see Prophet Mohammad by hook or by crook because without this you cannot be identified as a follower of the Prophet. It is a necessity of your faith. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi stated, 'If you do not see Prophet Mohammad in your dreams, you do not qualify as a true follower. Learn the knowledge of seeing [Prophet Mohammad] and then see him over and over.' Seeing Prophet Mohammad should be a burning desire of every single Muslim.

- I had a burning desire to see Prophet Mohammad and I would try many different methods to be granted to see Prophet Mohammad. Nothing worked. However, for the first time when I went to see His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi - he moment I saw His Divine Eminence, Prophet Mohammad was standing there and I saw him, too. This gift of seeing Prophet Mohammad is granted by Prophet Mohammad to the true followers.

- Those who wish to see Prophet Mohammad must start the journey towards becoming a true follower of the Prophet. The journey starts with Koran 39:22, obtaining Sharh-e-Sadr (Opening of the Chest - which means to revive the five souls in your chest with divine energy. Once you embark upon this path, you will definitely see Prophet Mohammad - but you will also see God when you reach the Stage of Ehsan. You must purify your heart and Lower Self - and this won't be done by verbally saying Prophet Mohammad's name. How will your inner impurity be cleansed by your verbal recitation of his name? You need to have a connection to Prophet Mohammad - and that will only be established once you walk upon the spiritual path.


Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726  or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv 

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com

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Messiah Herald Magazine:

Read more about Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.





*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/