Monday, 24 December 2012
The Awaited One
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HUMANITY doesn’t need POLITICS. It needs the Awaited MEHDI. Systems, Laws and discipline can't be restored without divine help! When
the humans are corrupted, they are so due to their hearts being
corrupted. Spirituality is the only medicine that can cure diseased and
corrupted hearts! The Awaited Mehdi is designated to cure hearts and remove the plague of corruption from the hearts
Please visit and like our new Facebook page: Global Reformation Through Spiritual
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Merry Christmas from Mehdi/Messiah Foundation International
Christmas time is nigh! We’ve all been decking our halls
with boughs of holly. We’re all getting ready for the delicious meal on
Christmas eve. The mistletoes are being hung, the dresses and suits are being
bought. The Christmas trees are being put up. The houses are being decorated
with shimmering lights, but whose heart has been lit this Christmas? Don’t you
persistently, every year wish your Christmas was that much better? Lord Jesus
is ever ready to bring humanity under the fold of his divine mercy, be it
Easter, Christmas or a common day of your common life. Every day shall become
Christmas whence Lord Jesus resides in your heart.
Want to join the graceful Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas?
Come, deck your hearts with the flamboyant colours of Lord Jesus’ love, through
the unique and divine methods of the Awaited Messiah His Divine Eminence Ra
Gohar Shahi.
Dine with Jesus this Christmas!
Messiah Foundation International wishes you a Merry Christmas, indeed!
Sunday, 16 December 2012
HH Younus AlGohar's Interview on MTV Sports, Sri Lanka (Complete Transcript)
Interviewer: Good Morning and welcome back to
Good Morning Sri Lanka and you are here with me Harit, on the 13th
of December. As I was saying we have a very interesting interview lined up. We
have here with us, we are honoured to be in the presence of His Holiness Younus
AlGohar, who is the CEO of Kalki Avatar Foundation International. Welcome Sir,
to Good Morning Sri Lanka.
HH Younus AlGohar: Thank you very much.
Interviewer: Sir, I ask you first to let us
know what is Kalki Avatar Foundation?
HH Younus AlGohar: Kalki Avatar Foundation is a
spiritual organization, and it is like a multi-faith organization which caters
for the needs, the spiritual needs for all humanity regardless of their religious
background. And we talk about spiritual nourishment and growth; we provide
knowledge and practical approach and Divine methodology. It has nothing to do
with religion; it is purely based on spiritual sciences; how to enlighten and
how to revive the souls and the spirits and how to become a spiritual person,
connected with the other world at the same time living a very social and economical
life while in this world.
Interviewer: It is interesting, sir, you
connect a spiritual life with the social and economic lives as well as the
practicalities of the world. Now it is a fantastic thing you said, sir, that
it’s a multi-faith based spiritualism. Now, when I talk about faith, sir, what
is faith? There are so many religions in the world, what is exactly a religion
in this world?
HH Younus AlGohar: Yes, you are right. There are so
many religions in this world and so many faiths. Some religions are celestial
religions. When I say celestial religions, it means they were established by
prophets and those prophets received revelations from God. So, we call the
celestial religions and some other religions man-made religions. The basic
theory of a religion is to worship a Supreme Being and seek for help and there
is also a concept of hell and heaven. All three Abrahamic faiths: Christianity,
Judaism and Islam, and Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism also. So, religion is basically
to control yourself, your desires and discipline it according to the Divine
Revelation, to the Divine Law, that’s all the religion is about.
Interviewer: Would I be correct to say sir that
all religions ask of human beings is to live a good life on earth? Would that
be correct to say?
HH Younus AlGohar: Of course, that would be correct
to say. All religions direct us to do good.
Interviewer: In your spiritual practice sir, I
understand that unconditional love is one of the main foundations. Can you
elaborate a little on this?
HH Younus AlGohar: Unconditional Love, Divine Love. It
has nothing to do with the religion because practicing a religion we are always
aiming for good life hereafter, going to the paradise, so we have a target, we
have an aim. So, we are being good for a reason and we are loving God for a
reason. We are becoming good for a reason. I don’t think this is sincere form
of love. I don’t think this is unconditional love. Unconditional love has no
conditions at all.
Interviewer: I see.
HH Younus AlGohar: You just love somebody, whether
it’s a human being or it’s God. If you love God for the sake of loving God that
will be unconditional love. However, adopting a lovable lifestyle in order to
be able to enter paradise or in order to have a good life after, that is
conditional love to my understanding.
Interviewer: It’s a very interesting
interpretation there. Of course, we will go on to discuss about practically,
whether you can in fact be a human being and unconditionally love even your
enemy. We will discuss that, but before we go on that side I want to discuss
about what has happened to humanity. We see every day there are wars, people
are dying. People are killing each other. People hate each other. Every day we
see enmity, hate, disease; there is so much trouble in this world. What has happened
to humanity? Where is spiritualism?
HH Younus AlGohar: Humanity is suffering from the corruption
which has now taken place in religions. When the religion is corrupted then
humanity suffers and this is exactly what’s happening today.
Interviewer: Why would you say, sir, that
religions have corrupt? Is it because man has become, or they thought that they
are above the Gods? Is it because they think that they don’t need a God, they
are too smart, too economic, too much knowledge? What do you think is the
reason for them to not follow religion, to corrupt religion?
HH Younus AlGohar: It’s not about people thinking
they are better than God or they are greater than God, or that they do not need
God. It’s to do with the modification in the Divine text, in the revelation.
People who are responsible for carrying out the religion duties, who educate their
respective nations about their religion, they are responsible for bringing that
corruption into the revelation of God. When the Divine text received by the
prophets and messengers in corrupted then you cannot find God even if you
practice that religion really hard. And this is one of the reasons why we have
extremism and fanaticism in the religion today. Not being able to understand
the meaning of the Divine text having a wrong interpretation of the religion
will lead one to become a fanatic or an extremist.
Interviewer: Does it mean, sir, that everyone
has misunderstood or is every religion corrupt, or is every person practicing
religion corrupt, or is there a sect of the world which is corrupt? Would you
say we have lost it completely?
HH Younus AlGohar: Actually, it is very profound and
one has to be very keenly observing into the religious probe. For example, the
religion consists of two main types of knowledge; knowledge of the exterior,
what we read in the book and then number two, which is more important than this
is the spiritual connection with God. When you are spiritually connected with
God, you receive the Divine messages, and you can then see the same thing in
the Holy Bible, in the Holy Quran, or in any other religious book. You don’t go
wrong. We do have religions, we do have practices, we do have worship places
today, what we do not have today is the Divine Link. We are not connected with
God. This is why there is so much misunderstanding about things. When the
connection with God was lost, Muslims became bad, Christians became bad, Hindus
became bad, but those who are spiritually connected they are good Muslims, they
are good Hindus, they are good Christians.
Interviewer: Right, so then we understand that
the world is not at the end, I mean we do have people who have,
HH Younus AlGohar: There are some people.
Interviewer: there are, but then there is a
corrupt sect as well. Sir, I would ask you, what is your opinion on atheism,
then, those that believe there is no God.
HH Younus AlGohar: I think that would be really
unscientific to say that there is no God. That would be really unscientific,
Interviewer: Right sir, I find it really
interesting you say it is unscientific, because I would say, God is based on
faith and not on fact. So, would you?
HH Younus AlGohar: What I understand, God doesn’t
only give us faith, but he is not based on faith. He is based on facts; there
has to be a creator for the creation to be created. Nothing comes into being
without anybody bringing it into being.
Interviewer: I see. Fantastic, fascinating
interview we are having at this moment. Now, sir, tell us a little about
spiritualism. How can spiritualism help solve these problems in this world?
HH Younus AlGohar: I understand, in the light of spirituality,
that we become good and bad not because of our body. There is some hidden
source, there is some hidden power; positive, and negative. Some people call
the positive power the presence of God, and the negative power the presence of
Devil. It is controlled, remotely controlled, by the negative powerhouse and
the positive powerhouse. This body itself is not capable of doing anything
wrong or right. Spirituality provides a reason and a practical approach towards
reviving that positive nature that we have inside our body, that soul, that
spirit. And the negative presence in our body makes us do wrong things. There
was a time when spirituality was part of religions. When people shunned the
practice of spirituality in religions, religions became incapable of catering
the spiritual needs of its followers. It was part of the religion, now because
the practice of spirituality was shunned by people, therefore, people are
distancing themselves from religion, from God. We are trying hard to raise the
awareness of the importance and significance of spirituality in all religions
of the world all around the world and the important factor in human life today
of spirituality is that with the help of spirituality we can bring a very
positive change in one’s character. It is all about the characteristics. God is
very good, we need to bring in ourselves the characteristics of God and that
has to do with enlightenment. Like Lord Buddha, he found positive nature in
him, he diminished negative nature and he uplifted the positive nature. This is
exactly what spirituality is all about, to revive the positive nature and bring
in positive characteristics and getting rid of the negativity in our body.
Interviewer: Let me ask you this also, sir, now
in the current world, we do have other methods also that people say there are
ways of living a positive life. For example, this Art of Feng Shui, how you
have a living space where they say the positive energies can be channeled and
there are various things like Yoga where you can get its positive energy. Are
those also part of spirituality?
HH Younus AlGohar: Yoga is a form of exercise, it
gives you piece of mind, gives you relaxation, but it does not connect you with
God. It can give you some good, positive things in life. You will feel better
Interviewer: I would say that you just said
that they make your body, the physical element positive and not necessarily the
mind, the spirit. I see. Now, that would suggest, sir, that the mind and the
body are totally two different concepts. Are they separate?
HH Younus AlGohar: What I understand is that a body
is just a vehicle, and the mind which is, of course, controlled by those two
presences in the body, positive and negative, that’s the main driver who drives
the vehicle.
Interviewer: Now, in general, sir, there are
things that we believe are physically impossible for us to do, through
spiritualism, is it possible for us to do even those things that we cannot do?
For example, levitate. We have heard of people who levitate, we have heard of
people who’ve special powers. Is that through spiritualism?
HH Younus AlGohar: I would like to say here, that
spirituality is not about doing things,
Interviewer: Special things?
HH Younus AlGohar: it’s not about doing things that
people will think, oh no, this is not humanly possible. Spirituality is about
enlightening your inner dimension and getting connected with God, and of
course, when somebody is connected with God, God then gives them Divine Powers.
But, those Divine Powers are given to certain people, in order to bring
goodness to human life, not for an individual’s personal pleasure.
Interviewer: I see. Now, sir, if I ask you for
advice to a general person, like me, how do I live a better spiritual life, in
general, in practice? How would you advice someone to be more spiritual?
HH Younus AlGohar: In order to be spiritual, we need to
start enlightening our souls. There are special mantras and with the practice
of the mantras, bringing that thing in; through meditation, and with the help
of meditation we bring in the Divine Light and that Divine Light will enlighten
our souls. The more Divine Energy enters in our spirits, the more spiritual we
will become and the effect of that spiritual practice will show in your mind,
in your body, in your thought-process as well.
Interviewer: I see. Now in practice, we talk
about Divine Love, Unconditional love and spirit, if we are spiritually
enlightened, for example, can I love my enemy? Is it possible sir, as a human
we are physically made to hate, we hate some people, but through spiritual
enlightenment is it possible, sir, to even love your enemy?
HH Younus AlGohar: Well, what I have been told and
what I have been trained: Love is something which is not by choice, it happens,
and of course you cannot love your enemy. It would be too fake to say it, that
I can practice and I can discipline my emotions and I can love my enemy. That
is not possible. I can safely say that people that want to love God they don’t
manage to love God let alone loving their enemies.
Interviewer: It happens.
HH Younus AlGohar: It happens. There is a spiritual
chemistry that takes places.
Interviewer: Right. And it is through this
process of being more spiritual or enlightened in spirit is how you happen to
love your enemy.
HH Younus AlGohar: It has to do with the souls, the
souls who used to live together in the primordial time before coming into this
world. If they were together, upon their entry into this world, they fall in
love with each other and that is unconditional love. You cannot love anybody
with your own efforts, with your own choice.
Interviewer: Now, sir, if I ask you, for
example, say now I have something bad to say to someone, I don’t like him, but
if I restrain myself, I say, no, I should not say it, is that getting towards
the spiritual life? I am stopping my instincts, but, it is for better
spirituality. Is that what the message is about?
HH Younus AlGohar: It’s very good. If you hate
somebody and you think you are better off not telling that person you hate
them, it’s good, but it’s not spirituality. You are trying to refrain yourself
from creating a point of mischief. You are saving yourself from something you
are not putting yourself in danger of,
Interviewer: It is more of personal interest
rather than a spiritual interest. I want to come to discuss a little bit about
the healing process in spirituality. How does healing and spirituality connect,
HH Younus AlGohar: Healing has to do with
spirituality very profoundly. Every organ in our body has a special form of
energy and when that energy is lost, due to any reason that energy has to be
replaced. Now, either we replace that energy which is found in many herbs, many
fruits, in many things. And doctors, traditional doctors who know the knowledge
of this, they make medicines of this. We take the medicines, the lost energy is
replaced and you get well soon and with the help of spirituality, when your
heart is enlightened, when your soul is enlightened, it becomes a powerhouse of
all sorts of Divine Energy. Then, you blow upon them and the energy is released
from your heart and this is how people get their lost energy and they are
Interviewer: It is true sir, because a lot of
people say if you have a pleasant environment, if you be positive to a patient,
he heals much better, whereas if you be negative, he don’t heal. So, I
understand that there is definitely a connection. I also want to come to your
objective, sir, of creating a global community. One community in the world,
sir, firstly, why do you want to achieve this and secondly, is this possible in
this world?
HH Younus AlGohar: Well, it is possible: When Adam
was sent into this world, the whole humanity was One Nation and towards the
end, it has to become one again, united. And that will only happen when the
hearts of humanity are unified with Divine Love. When all begin to love God, no
matter what religion they practice. When their hearts are enlightened and
controlled and disciplined by one God. There are many names given to God, he is
one; whether it is Raam, Krishna, God, Allah, Bhagwan or Jehovah, there are so
many names given to God, but he is the one. When all the hearts are unified, we
will forget, we are from Pakistan, you are from Sri Lanka, he is from Israel,
he is from India, he is from America because the hearts are enlightened and we
love the same God. That will only happen when the hearts are enlightened and
Interviewer: Now, as a final question, sir,
what I want to ask you, I understand, that this is possible that the love
within people and for God and this enlightened society, one world, is a
possible thing, and your final message to those of them listening out there
what should they do to come to this level as people?
HH Younus AlGohar: God has given the images of the
Awaited One, on the surface of the Moon, on the Holy Black Stone, on the Sun
and my piece of advice for humanity is when the Moon rises from the east, look
at the Moon and look at the human profile on the Moon. And then, in whatever
language you speak, or whatever religion you practice, say the name of God three
times and you will receive Divine Energy from that human profile from the moon.
And that human profile belongs to Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi who is the Awaited
One. People have to do it and see how it helps them, in their day-to-day life,
in their spiritual life and their religious life.
Interviewer: Thank you very much, sir, for this
enlightening morning and I am sure our viewers would have also understood the
value of being spiritual in this world. We have our busy lives, we have our
work, we have our friends, we have our family, but, we do forget that there is
someone above and there is a level of spirituality, that all of us need some
spirituality at the end of the day. Thank you indeed, sir, for this wonderful
HH Younus AlGohar: Thank you.
Interviewer: And you can get in touch with His
Holiness with this website that is
or email at,
and you can get in touch with them if you want to know more about spirituality.
Saturday, 15 December 2012
The True Definition of Spiritual Poverty
The first reflection that God saw
upon the seeing of which he danced is the reflection that was given to Imam
Mehdi Gohar Shahi in the form of Tifle Noorie. The other 7 Sultan ul Fuqra came
into existence from the emotions God expressed upon seeing that initial reflection
and those emotions came out in the form of Divine Light and took the shape of
the other Tifle Noorie that were given to the 7 Sultans. It is a great
disrespect to compare those 7 Tifle Noorie with the initial reflection. Those
Tifle Noorie are not even equivalent to the shoes of His Divine Eminence Gohar
Shahi and this is our ideology. The reflection given to Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi,
the embodiment of Faqr (Spiritual Poverty) is called the Tifle Noorie however
it is in no way related to Faqr.
What is Faqr? When God saw the
initial reflection he became so overwhelmed with emotions of love. He wanted to
forget himself and just love that reflection and as a result he danced with joy
and Divine Light emitted from God’s body and took the shape of the 7 Tifle
Faqr ended on Prophet Mohammad
and Faqr bows at the feet of Gohar Shahi. Rapturous Love and Faqr both bow at
the feet of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.
When you love somebody esoterically
(Batini) you give them everything that you possess in your being, your heart,
your soul, your Lataif (subtleties of the breast), you surrender everything to
them and you yourself become extinct.
A Faqir always has these emotions
in his heart that everything I own is for you, my Lord and may you, only,
settle within me. A Faqir has the river of Wehdat (Divine Unity) flowing within
him so that nothing prohibited may stay therein. But what if somebody has the
river of Aks-e-Riaz (Reflection of Riaz) flowing within him? Can anyone stay unblessed in the presence of Him?
Those emotions which resulted in
the foundation of Faqr being laid and the pride of the Imam ul Ambiya (Prophet
Mohammad) came from the seeing of the reflection present within the Being of
HDE Gohar Shahi. Is there any praise worthy of HDE Gohar Shahi?
To say Imam Mehdi is Sultan ul
Fuqra is a great disrespect and to think that Imam Mehdi has come to dispense
the knowledge of Faqr is a great disrespect also. Upon seeing the reflection
God wished for that reflection to settle within him and that reflection has
come down in the guise of Imam Mehdi. The gist of the teachings of Faqr is to
fall at the feet of HDE Gohar Shahi, physically and esoterically, to surrender
all your physical and esoteric possessions. How do you surrender your esoteric
possessions? By neglecting your desires and engaging your souls, Lataif, in the
remembrance of the Lord. When the Divine Light of the Lord settles within and
the sub-spirit (Jussa) of the Lord burns all else, in practicality this is to surrender
yourself to Imam Mehdi. The practise of complete submission to His Divine
Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is Faqr.
HDE Gohar Shahi did not bring the
teachings of Faqr. This is charity from HDE and this knowledge was given to
those who came before the arrival of Imam Mehdi. Faqr is not for the followers
of Imam Mehdi, for them are the teachings of Ishq (Rapturous Love of God) and Ishq is
greater than Faqr.
Somebody asked Prophet Mohammad, ‘O’ Messenger of God, how would the faith of Imam Mehdi’s followers be?’ Prophet Mohammad replied, ‘The lowest-grade follower of Imam Mehdi would have a faith greater than that of my greatest Companion.’
The universe reaped the Spiritual
Grace (Faiz) from the Tifle Noorie that came into existence from God’s Divine
Light, but the lowest-grade follower of Imam Mehdi is receiving Spiritual Grace
directly from the initial reflection, from Aks-e-Riaz. Now we can understand
why all the prophets, all the messengers and all the saints stand humbly with
their heads bowed before Imam Mehdi.
When God danced upon seeing the
reflection, the image, it is not astonishing that Prophet Mohammad used to shed
tears in remembrance. Upon kissing the image of that reflection people’s sins
are washed away. All forms of worship are great, however, ponder, the image
which God fell in love with, could there be an act greater than or equivalent
to kissing that image?
Today that image, the image of
HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi has become visible everywhere, on the Moon, the Sun, in the
Holy Black Stone, and various other celestial bodies. Now, could there be an
act greater than looking at the image of the Lord with love?
A piece of advice: When calamity
falls look at the image of HDE Gohar Shahi with love and keep in mind that this
is the image, the reflection which God too fell in love with.
Friday, 14 December 2012
HH Younus AlGohar Interviewed by MTV Sports, Sri Lanka
His Holiness Younus AlGohar is Interviewed by MTV Sports, Sri Lanka on December 13, 2012
MTV Sports,
Sri Lanka,
Younus AlGohar
Sunday, 9 December 2012
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