Younus AlGohar’s surprising explanation of the word ‘Ullal Amar’.
- There are three Koniya Realms (relating to the creation) and three Zaatiya Realms (relating to God’s individuality). Between them is a gap which no unauthorised person can cross. The word ‘Jibril (Gabriel) means ‘one who bridges’.
- God made it mandatory for Gabriel to accompany all Wahi (Divine Revelation) sent upon the prophets. This was because not all prophets had their souls enlightened and empowered enough to receive it directly or cross the gap.
- Gabriel used to sit in the gap between the Koniya Realms and Zaatiya Realms. He would take people’s worship across the gap to God himself. When Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) came into the world, his sub-spirit replaced Gabriel in the gap.
‘The archangels and God send salutations upon Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). O’ you who believe, ask God to send salutations upon the Prophet [on your behalf].’ - Koran 33:56
- This verse of the Koran indicated that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was the intermediary for humanity. If you had a grudge against the Prophet (PBUH), his sub-spirit wouldn’t take your worship across the gap to God.
- After the Era of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) came the Era of Ghous Pak (Abdul Qadir Jilani). He was given the keys to Ism-e-Dhaat Allah and his sub-spirit took over at the gap.
- ‘Ullal Amar’ refers to whoever is responsible for filling the gap between the Koniya and Zaatiya Realms. They take your worship to God.
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What is the culmination of Ishq (Agape Love) and how will it be reached in the era of Imam Mehdi?
When Ism-e-Dhaat Allah (The Personal Name of God) is implanted in the heart and begins to produce divine energy therein, you develop Mohabbat (Love) for God. You can never obtain Ishq (Agape Love) through just the divine energy of God's name.
Ishq is to receive something from God's individuality. To obtain this, you would have to enlighten your subtleties and obtain Ilm-e-Deedar (The Knowledge of Witnessing the Divine Splendour. You would go Maqam-e-Mehmood (The Station of Mehmood) and witness the divine splendour in Alam-e-Ahdiyat (The Realm of Divine Oneness) through your Ana.
When you see God with your Ana, the image of God is absorbed by the Ana. The Ana transfers it to the eyes and the eyes transfer it to the heart where it settles. That is when you obtain God's Ishq.
When you have God's image in your heart, God showers you with 360 divine theophanies every day. This will purify you of any impurities that you accumulate from your environment.
When you obtain God's Ishq, you no longer have anything to do with the Ism-e-Dhaat Allah or its restrictions. This is Maqam-e-Hurriyat (The Station of Freedom).
When His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi came, He told God that people were no longer capable of obtaining his Ishq through the traditional way. He decided to grant people the image of God directly without them needing to ascend to see God.
The culmination of Ishq is that HDE Gohar Shahi is granting humanity the image of God's manifestation which God himself fell in love with: the image of the Aks-e-Awwal (Original Reflection).
'When the Helper of God comes, surely, you shall see flocks of human beings enter the Religion of God.' - Koran 110:1-2
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Younus AlGohar explains the true meaning of Sufism. He clears common misconceptions about Sufism in this crucial video.
Sufism began with Adam Safi Allah 6000 years ago. Sufism is rooted in the awakening and cleanliness of the heart.
'There is a means of polishing everything that tarnishes. The polish of the heart is Dhikr Allah (invocation of God's name).' - Prophetic Tradition
'O' you who believe, fear God and seek an intermediary. And struggle in the way of the Lord.' - Koran 5:35
This means first purify your heart with the invocation of God's name and then seek out somebody who will take you to God. After cleansing your heart you have to learn to take out your sub-spirits and teach them to offer Salat and perform spiritual journeys. There is a difference between the spiritual ranks of a Momin (Devout Believer), Mussali and Zakir.
'Perform Ruku (bow) with those who do Ruku.' - Koran 2:43
Some angels only perform Ruku. If you teach one of your sub-spirits to perform Ruku, then it may be appointed as the Imam of these angels.
Many people in the West tried to adopt Sufi teachings without becoming Muslims. They called their brand of Sufism 'Western Sufism'. Another branch emerged from this known as 'Neo-Sufism'.
In Sufism, you must perform Zarbi Dhikr (chanting of God's name vigorously) to awaken and enlighten your souls. It has to match the beats of the heart. Dhikr done in a melodious manner does not enter the heart.
The Nafs (Lower Self) enjoys music and melody, that is why people prefer Qawwalis and melodious Dhikr.
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How do you recognise if someone is paradise-bound or not?
'I created the majority of human beings and Jinns for hellfire. They have hearts that lack [spiritual] understanding and eyes that do not have [the spiritual] vision. They are like animals. In fact, they are even more misguided than animals. Verily, they are the Heedless Ones (Ghafileen). ' - Koran 7:179
In other words, their subtleties do not have spiritual functions. Their subtleties are senseless. The souls and Jinns created for hellfire are created with the same substance: anger and fire.
'We want to worship you and that will only be possible with your help. Show us the Straight Path (Sirat ul Mustaqeem), the path of those you have granted your bounty. Not the path of those created with your anger.' - Koran 1:1-7
The Prophets, Messengers, saints and Sauliheen have been trained by God to teach people how to worship him with their souls and remove the veils off people's souls.
God is angry with those created with his anger - the souls who will go to hellfire. He is not angry with anyone else. Their hearts cannot be revived with the Activation of the Spiritual Heart (Dhikr-e-Qalb). God's mercy upon you is demonstrated by him allowing your heart to say his name.
'Whoever obtains Shahr-e-Sadr (Opening of the Chest) for Islam, he shall be upon the light from his Lord. And woe and destruction upon those whose hearts are too hard to absorb the [name of] God, they are in open misguidance.' - Koran 39:22
Those who perform all physical worship but God's name doesn't enter their hearts are undoubtedly misguided.
'They remember God while standing, sitting and tossing and turning [in their beds].' - Koran 3:191
'On the Day of Judgement, only he shall be successful who brings with him a Qalb-e-Saleem (Secured Heart).' - Koran 26:88--89
'And whoever believes in God, God will guide his heart.'- Koran 64:11
'God has written faith on their hearts.' - Koran 58:22
God finds pretexts to grant salvation to those who are predestined for paradise. For example, he will send people to paradise just because they gave food or water to a saint.
Imam Mehdi His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi is granting humanity permission for Dhikr-e-Qalb (Activation of the Spiritual Heart). Dhikr-e-Qalb is evidence of success and guidance. Right now only HDE Gohar Shahi has the power to revive hearts.
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Younus AlGohar explains who is included in the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s Ahle Bayt (Household).
'Stay in your homes. Do not expose your beauty now like you used to expose your beauty in the Age of Ignorance. Observe Salat strictly and give Zakat. And God has intended to remove your Ahle Bayt (The Prophet's Household) of all impurities and purify them in a way that they are entitled to.' - Koran 33:33 (Ayat-e-Tatheer)
This is addressing all the people living in the Ahle Bayt including the wives and children like Bibi Fatima. Had they all been pure from birth, God would not have said that he intended to purify them.
'A Satanic Jinn was born with me but it was purified in my company.' - Prophetic Tradition
'O' Yousaf, I saved you. Otherwise, the Commanding Self compels one to do bad.' - Koran 12:53
Ayat-e-Tatheer demonstrates that God would purify the Ahle Bayt of all exoteric and esoteric impurities. He would purify their Lower Selves, removed the layers of evil web upon their Spiritual Hearts and even cleanse their blood of all negative energy.
God did this for Ahle Bayt and the rest of the Ummah (nation) had to do it themselves through a Spiritual Guide. But a time comes when a common person reaches the same stage of purity as the Ahle Bayt through a Spiritual Guide.
'Tell your nation [O' Mohammad] that in return for your benevolence of Prophethood you have given them, you want nothing except that they love those who are in your proximity.' - Koran 42:23
This includes those in the physical and spiritual proximity of Prophet Mohammad (PBIH). There are two types of Households of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): his physical household and his body. Those who are connected to the Prophet Mohammad's heart as also part of Ahle Bayt such as Salman Farsi, Data Ali Hajweri, etc.
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Younus AlGohar explains how human beings can witness the divine splendour.
God has no partner. Similarly, none of the creation can enter the environment he resides in, Alam-e-Ahdiyat (Realm of Oneness). Not even the atmosphere where God resides should be shared by anyone.
Three different types of entities inhabit Alam-e-Ahdiyat with God: the Jussa-e-Tofeeq-e-Ilahi (Divine Sub-spirit), Tifl-e-Noori (Body of Divine Light) and the-Ana (the subtlety in the forehead).
'[Human beings do not have the ability] to see God with their own vision, but he can grasp all vision.' - Koran 6:103
You can see God through the vision of the Ana because it comes from the realm where God is.
You can see God through the Jussa-e-Tofeeq-e-Ilahi in a spiritual journey, through the Tifl-e-Noori while conscious or through the Ana while you sleep. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had access to all three modes of witnessing the divine splendour. How clearly you see God varies depending on the mode you use.
Ilm-e-Deedar (The Knowledge of Witnessing the Divine Splendour) relates to the Ana and it was granted to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The knowledge - the Marifat - relating to the Jussa-e-Tofeeq-e-Ilahi and Tifl-e-Noori was brought by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.
Maqam-e-Mehmood (The Station of Mehmood) is the viewing gallery from where you see God from afar with your Ana. The Jussa-e-Tofeeq-e-Ilahi and Tifl-e-Noori can enter the Alam-e-Ahdiyat and even embrace God. On the Night of Ascension, when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ascended to see God, his body was at Maqam-e-Mehmood and his Jussa-e-Tofeeq-e-Ilahi and Tilf-e-Noori embraced God (Ayat ul Kubra).
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Where is the Esoteric Koran hidden? Younus AlGohar explains.
'I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate.' - Prophetic Tradition
- The Shiites say that there used to be 40 chapters of the Koran but Abu Bakr's goat ate the last 10 chapters. Even if this were so, then we should be connected to Moula Ali to obtain access to the Esoteric Koran.
- Every Grand Messenger was granted two types of knowledge: esoteric knowledge and exoteric knowledge. The exoteric knowledge took the form of the celestial books whereas the esoteric knowledge was housed in their hearts. They used half the esoteric knowledge for their prophethood and half for the saints of their nation.
'We have accumulated everything in Imam um Mubeen.' - Koran 36:12
The 10 esoteric parts of the Koran are with Imam Mehdi and He is rendering the benevolence of them to humanity.
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Younus AlGohar explains how to properly raise one's children and provide for their spiritual nourishment.
- Parents are responsible for the spiritual nourishment of their children. In order to do that, they need to reform their own characters first. Children will take after their parents.
- It begins before birth when the foetus is in the womb. The mother has to be a Zakir-e-Qalbi (Enlightened Heart) - then the divine energy from her heart will mix with her blood and reach the foetus. The child's terrestrial spirits will become familiarised with God's name and divine energy this way.
- The children are correctly raised when they obtain divine energy in the womb. Paradise is beneath the feet of such a mother.
In the first instance, the most important thing is to become a Momin/Momina (Devout Believer) before becoming a parent.
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- There is a difference between 'Syed' and 'Aal (Progeny)'. 'Syed' means 'Sir' or 'Master' in Arabic. Imam Hussain and Imam Hassan are known as 'Syed' because they will be the leaders of the youth in Paradise.
'For whosoever I am Moula (Master), Ali is also their Moula.' - Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
- Ahle Bayt means 'The People of the Household'. Anyone living in the Prophet's Household is included in it such as Bibi Aisha.
- Aal-e-Muhammad (The Progeny of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)) is greater than the Ahle Bayt. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s progeny did not descend from a son but rather his daughter, Fatima tul Zahra.
'Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is not a father to any man among you.' - Koran 33:40
- Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the father of the Tifl-e-Noori (Body of Divine Light) that is in Fatima tul Zahra. Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain and Bibi Zainab were from the divine energy of Fatima tul Zahra's Tifl-e-Noori, not from Moula Ali. Fatima tul Zahra was barren. Her children were born purely from the divine energy of her Tifl-e-Noori.
'I have decided to purify your progeny of all kinds of impurities and dirt.' - Koran 33:33
- The ratio of divine energy in Aal-e-Muhammad decreased with every generation. Sadaat, the Aal-e-Muhammad, lasted 7 generations. By the 8th generation, they were devoid of divine energy just like any other human being.
- 11 Aima Ikram (jurists) of Islam were from the Ahle Bayt. Their combined spiritual power was transferred to Ghous-e-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
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'I want God to allow my heart to engage in Zikar 125 000 times a day. What should I do?'
- It is entirely up to God whose heart he grants to engage in Zikar 125 000 times a day.
- 125 000 times a day of Zikar is the culmination of worship. Zikar done beyond this number is the stage of Ishq (Rapturous Love). Sustained Zikar of 125 000 is difficult for the body to bear.
- If your heart reaches this number, you will be a Divine Lover (Aashiq) - you will witness the divine splendour and enter the Paradise of Firdos.
- At its normal pace, the heart would engage in Zikar 70 000 - 72 000 times a day. If it has to reach Zikar 125 000 a day, it would have to work nearly twice as fast.
- Someone with a daily Zikar of 125 000 would have a constantly elevated heart rate and need more oxygen than normal. They would need fresh air and plenty of water.
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Younus AlGohar sheds light on a mystery that has baffled religious minds for centuries: the Taboot-e-Sakina.
- 'Taboot-e-Sakina' literally means 'The Chest of God's Mercy'.
- Aala Hazrat wrote in his interpretation of the Koran that the Taboot-e-Sakina bears images of the Prophets that were made by Solomon. He also said that the Staff of Moses and other artefacts from the Prophets were in the Taboot-e-Sakina.
The Koran 2:248 mentions that the Taboot-e-Sakina is in the custody of the archangels and it bears signs for you if you are a Momin (Devout Believer).
- According to narrations, the Taboot-e-Sakina will be handed over to Imam Mehdi when He comes.
- When the Prophets of Israel had the Taboot-e-Sakina, they would make requests to God through it and their requests would be fulfilled.
- Taboot in Suryani means 'chest' or 'rib cage'. Taboot-e-Sakina actually means 'a chest which comes under the divine theophanies'.
The Taboot-e-Sakina has two aspects: the Holy Black Stone in Kaaba (Mecca, Saudi Arabia) and, spiritually, it is in a human body which is protected by the archangels.
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Can we accurately call the Latifa-e-Ana (Subtlety of Ana) the 'Third Eye'? Younus AlGohar explains.
- You can call the Ana the Third Eye but it does not do it justice. Through the Ana, you have the potential ability to see God. If the Ana was simply the Third Eye then it would enhance the vision of your physical eyes.
- 90% of the saints in Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s Nation were those who reached their destination but they did not have complete knowledge of Faqr (Spiritual Poverty). The most well-researched book on Sufism by a Muslim saint was by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
- His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi explained spirituality like a roadmap. Everything written by HDE Gohar Shahi is self-explanatory (read His book here: He reveals that academic and practical foundations of spirituality are purifying the Lower Self and enlightening the heart. The history does not have another precedence of this.
- It is not about the eye. It is the ability to see. When you complete all 100 stages of Faqr, that ability is activated.
'You cannot see God because you do not know [how to obtain] the ability.' - Koran 6:103
- The physical eyes have a dense vision whereas God is ethereal. Therefore, you need to change the mode of vision to the Ana, which has the ability to see God. It sees God when it goes to the designated higher realms.
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi declared, 'If my image comes upon someone's heart, then the first step they take will be in the Behr-e-Wehdat (River of Divine Union).'
- HDE Gohar Shahi then explained that one cannot see His image on the heart with the physical eyes.
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Younus AlGohar reveals the origins of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s soul while explaining how God created the souls of the Sabiqoon (Foremost Ones) and common people.
- God created souls in two episodes. In the first episode of creation, God created the Sabiqoon (Foremost Ones, as mentioned in Koran 56:10) - those in his proximity, love and manifestation. In the second episode, he created souls with the Command 'Be'.
- God asked the souls created with Command 'Be', 'Am I not your Lord?' (Koran 7:172) and it was affirmed. These souls were divided into three groups according to their fates: the paradise-bound souls, hell-bound souls and those with indecisive fates.
- Spiritual guides, saints and prophets come from the first batch of creation (the Sabiqoon). Their purpose was to teach the religions to souls from the second batch who were paradise-bound. Rabia Basri was from among the Sabiqoon.
- Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is not Bashar (a human being). His soul is not from the Sabiqoon or second episode of creation. His soul is the divine energy that took form when God looked somewhere with love. At the very lowest point of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s reality, he is not a creation of God in the technical sense, but the expression of God's love.
- Just as Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the expression of God's love, Iblis (The Devil) is the expression of God's anger. His soul took form when God looked somewhere with anger. He will not enter hellfire because he is not technically 'creation' either.
- Only a small percentage of the Sabiqoon have been sent into the world. The rest will be sent in the era of Imam Mehdi. His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi said, 'I have come to transform people into saints of God.'
- Considering Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to be a human being is Shirk (appointing a partner with God) after learning this knowledge. When his soul came into being, nothing else had been created yet.
'First of all, God created my divine energy.' - Prophetic Tradition
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The corruption of the heart is the true cause of sectarianism. Younus AlGohar explains how in this must-watch video.
There are 7 parts of the Koran. 1 part is to be found in the physical Koran whereas the other 6 parts are stored in the hearts of saints. We grant the benevolence of the remaining 6 parts of the Koran.
Sectarianism is due to people failing to understand religion. 'Fiqh' means 'understanding'. 'Taufiq Billah' means that God grants us the understanding of religion. As per the Koran, God grants guidance to the hearts. You have to enlighten your heart to understand religion.
When people read the Koran without enlightening their hearts first, they diversified into different sects: Wahhabism, Shiism, Sunnism, etc. The real reason for sectarianism is impurity of the heart.
Any word that you utter first travels from your mind to your heart, then to your Sirri and Akhfah before it is said by the tongue.
If someone has negative energy in their heart, Sirri and Akhfah then that negative energy will be added to their words before they utter them. Their words then cause mischief. This is what happens when many religious clerics speak - they speak about the Koran but they cause divisions because of the negative energy in them.
If someone enlightens their subtleties and speaks about the Koran, then their words have divine energy in them. Such a person is known as an Alim-e-Haq (True Divine Scholar). They unite people.
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'Moula Ali was a caliph of Islam but some people say that if Moula Ali were to be appointed as the first caliph, he would have been appointed during the Last Sermon. What are your thoughts on this?' - an ALRA TV viewer's question for Younus AlGohar
- There are two aspects to Islam: the political aspect and the spiritual structure of the religion.
'For whosoever I am Moula, Ali is also their Moula.' - Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
- This is an eternal status of Moula Ali. His role as a caliph was relatively temporal.
- There was no better choice for caliph than Moula Ali. He was the Syed ul Auliya and he had a great rank in spirituality and in proximity to God. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) appointed him to handle the spiritual affairs of the Muslim Nation.
- Moula Ali's appointment was more spiritual than political. Neither Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) nor God chose the caliphs who would take care of the political aspect of Islam.
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Is it necessary to be poor to become a friend of God?
A worldly person is one who runs after wealth, whether or not they live opulently. However, some people manage to earn a living lawfully while still having their faith, love of God and divine proximity as their first priority.
If someone has faith in their heart, then they are not a worldly person even if they are a millionaire or a billionaire.
You do not need to be poor to become a saint of God. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was a saint of God and a very successful businessman. Usman-e-Ghani was also very wealthy, so he was able to buy a well to donate to the early Muslims in the time of need.
'God chooses his friends from among the Momineen (Devout Believers). He takes them out from the darkness into the light.' - Koran 2:257
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi is famous for being extremely wealthy in Pakistan. The land He owns in Pakistan is so vast that it would take a 2 hour's drive to see it all. He is so generous that He would spend 100 000-500 000 PKR every day to accommodate the guests and seekers who visited His home in Kotri. All the residents in Kotri and the surrounding area came to know that nobody would leave His Divine Eminence's home empty-handed.
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Younus AlGohar elaborates on the mystery of Jussa-e-Taufeeq-e-Ilahi (Divine Sub-spirit) at the request of a viewer.
- When God grants somebody his Jussa-e-Taufeeq-e-Ilahi (Divine Sub-spirit), he grants them a being reflective of himself.
- The word 'Wasl' means 'Arrival'. The Station of Wasl is for those in whom an entity from God has arrived with God's permission.
'When my servant obtains my proximity through auxiliary worship, I end his life. I become responsible for his loss of life and must compensate him for it. As compensation, I become his. I become the hands with which he holds things, his legs with which he walks, his tongue with which he talks.' - Hadith-e-Qudsi
'Such a person may be talking, but the words are God's.' - Mevlana Rumi
- So a Jussa-e-Taufeeq-e-Ilahi is formed by God from his theophanies. He places that being into those he loves.
'I am closer to you than your jugular vein.' - Koran 50:14
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Where does God come from? In this unprecedented video, Younus AlGohar discloses the astonishing divine secrets that are far beyond human imagination.
He explains the famous Hadith-e-Qudisi in which God declares, 'I was in the hidden treasure and I loved to be known.'
This speech is for the advanced seekers. It is highly recommended that you first read 'The Religion of God (Divine Love)' by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi before watching this video.
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Younus AlGohar answers a viewer's question about the Realm of Jabroot and how the Day of Judgement will take place there.
Alam-e-Barzakh (The Station of Departed Souls) is located in the Realm of Jabroot. It is divided into two parts: Illiyeen and Sijiyeen. Illiyeen is like paradise. Those whose souls are enlightened on Earth are placed directly in Illiyeen. Those whose souls are not enlightened - no matter how religious they were - are sent to Sijiyeen, which is like hellfire.
Alam-e-Arwah is also located in the Realm of Jabroot. It is where all the souls which are waiting to be sent to Earth reside. It is divided up into neighbourhoods where different types of souls live. For example, there are neighbourhoods for saints, Devout Believers, etc.
Bait ul Mamour is the original worship place where all the souls perform worship. It is also in the Realm of Jabroot.
According to Koran 110:10-11, God will hold you accountable by questioning the souls in your chest. The Day of Judgement will occur in the Realm of Jabroot.
After the Day of Judgement, the Devout Believers will have the power to travel to their destination in the Realm of Malkoot (Angelic Realm). Those who will be granted salvation will be dropped off by the Archangels.
Those granted salvation will enter paradise but will live like servants there. They will not have any desires.
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A viewer asked Younus AlGohar, 'How do we free ourselves of the Khannas (Evil Whisperer)?'
- The Evil Whisperer sits two inches below the heart. It resembles an elephant and its trunk is attached to the heart. It is through the trunk that it is always dispensing evil whispers in the heart.
- When the heart is awakened and divine energy is being produced therein, the divine energy starts to negate the evil whispers.
- The Evil Whisperer does not get purified. The Evil Whisperer cannot stand the heat of divine energy. To get rid of it, you have to enlighten your heart and all other souls in the breast so that there is an abundance of divine energy in the chest. The Evil Whisperer will then leave the body and run away.
- Koran 114:1-4 only mentions a single Evil Whisperer. However, today, many people have multiple Evil Whisperers in their chest. Some people have two, three, four, ten or even twenty surrounding their hearts. When you lack divine energy in your chest, any Evil Whisperer can come and take up residence there because you are not protected.
- When the Evil Whisperer leaves your body, your heart becomes attacked via a spiritual rope to your Spiritual Guide. That rope dispenses divine energy from the Spiritual Guide and it is known as 'Neeyat'.
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Younus AlGohar on what you can expect from a Perfect Spiritual Guide (Murshid-e-Kamil) and why there are so many misconceptions about Spiritual Guides in the Muslim world today.
- Generally, there are two types of people in the Muslim world today: those who study the religion and those who rely on the lectures of the religious clerics as the basis of their faith. Wahhabism is widespread and has no concept of a Spiritual Guide. The explanation of a Spiritual Guide by the Sunni clerics is ambiguous and will not help you find a Spiritual Guide.
'Whoever I wish to misguide, he shall not find a Spiritual Guide (Wali-Murshid).' - Koran 18:17
- People in different regions of Pakistan have a culture of seeking out a Spiritual Guide but they are unable to find true Spiritual Guides.
- The Spiritual Heart (Qalb) is enclosed in 180 000 layers of evil webs. It needs to be freed from those layers for you to have Shahr-e-Sadr (as per Koran 39:22) and for your heart to be awakened. These layers are not removed by any act of worship or effort on your part - only a true Spiritual Guide can remove them with his spiritual concentration. This is why you need a Spiritual Guide.
'I created Jinns and human beings to worship me.' - Koran 51:56
- When the Spiritual Heart is awakened, it engages in the invocation of God's name because this is in its nature.
- His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi upgraded Sufism when He introduced the method of synchronising God's name within the physical heartbeats. Before HDE Gohar Shahi, Spiritual Guides would only revive the spiritual entity of the heart of the disciples and they would remain to be Devout Believers. However, with HDE Gohar Shahi's method, divine energy could spread throughout one's entire body via the bloodstream - making them a saint.
- When His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi grants somebody Zikar-e-Qalb (Heart Activation), two things happen: HDE Gohar Shahi revives the Spiritual Heart with His spiritual concentration and He appoints two angel-like creatures to synchronise God's name with the physical heartbeats. HDE Gohar Shahi did this to purify people's souls and body at the same time.
'O' Sons of Adam, there is a lump of flesh in your body. If it is set right, the entire body is set right. If it is corrupted, the entire body will remain to be corrupted. Remember well: it is your heart.' - Prophetic Tradition
- This Prophetic Tradition was for the era of Imam Mehdi His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi - the twilight age of the world. With HDE Gohar Shahi's method, one can become an Enlightened Conscience (Roshan Zameer) just by receiving Zikar-e-Qalb.
- You cannot declare yourself to be a disciple of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). You have to first pledge allegiance at the hands of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) himself or at the hands of a saint who is authorised to accept your pledge of allegiance on Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s behalf.
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Younus AlGohar explains the stages of the Qalb (Spiritual Heart) and Nafs (Lower Self) at the request of a viewer. He reveals how the Nafs can regress even after beginning the spiritual path.
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